Counting your Blessing (redux)

This morning I woke up, grabbed some coffee and started working on my website and ran across this blog that I had written back in November of 2015. It’s an important time in my life right now where I think that it is worth reposting. And as the Universe works, it slapped me in the face with this and told me to follow my own advice. You see, I needed this reminder this morning because for the last week or two I’ve been stressed out. Stressed out because of the lack of money coming in, instead of looking at what I have right now in my life.

I have a beautiful Fiance who is completely supportive of me, my Reiki Practice is growing and I’m getting new clients every day, I have the Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute going strong and the new Stone Temple Pilots Tribute taking off like wildfire. And if that isn’t enough I’ve got a killer Metal Band with an ever growing fanbase. So, again… I’m being redundant… this was a very important reminder to myself and hopefully it is for you as well.

(Reposted from November 2015)

When I started studying the Law of Attraction one of the first things I learned was to look at everything in my life as a blessing. This was back in early 2000’s. I had to totally reconfigure my brain. Seriously. I mean, I’ve always been a positive guy, but there was much more too it. I was externally positive. I was kind to the people around me or anybody that I would meet, but inside I was constantly beating myself up for not doing this, or not doing that. My life sucks, etc. Well guess what? My life did suck. It did because I didn’t believe any different. Once I started changing my internal dialog, that is when my life started changing all around. On the outside I was still the same person. Nobody really saw a major difference in me, but I was much happier and had a much broader outlook on life.

So what did I do?

Like I mentioned… I had to change my internal dialog. I had to take baby steps at first. If it rained outside I wouldn’t say, “Oh no. It’s going to be muggy today.” I’d change it around and say, “Wow! Rain. This is awesome!” Sometimes I felt like I was completely bullshitting myself, but I would still continue being positive for everything that happened. Everything! You’ve got to fake it until you make it. Once you start getting into the routine of ‘faking it’ eventually it will start happening automatically. I would start the first thing in the morning before I got out of bed. My dialog to myself was, “Today is going to be an amazing day. What can I create today?” I found myself jumping out of bed, welcoming the new day and all it had to offer. When you start doing this you will be surprised at how many opportunities you have come to you. Positive, like-minded souls will start popping up everywhere. They were always there but when you have your blinders on you just don’t see them. You can’t be a vibrational match to something if you’re on a different vibration yourself. Think of it like a radio. If the station you want to listen to is 94.3 and you are on 92.8… you just aren’t going to be able to hear it. Seems silly, but this is how it works.

We are all vibrations. And whatever frequency we resonate at, that is what we will attract. Like attracts like. It’s just the way it is whether you believe in all the metaphysical mumbo jumbo or not. It’s still our reality.

Do you find yourself in a certain crowd that you don’t want to be a part of? Want to make them disappear? Change your vibration. One of two things will happen. A:) They won’t want to hang around you anymore or B:) You’ll start noticing patterns similar to who you are that you don’t like. It doesn’t mean that these people are bad. It just means that they are on a different vibration than you and they are living their life the way that they believe it to be. And…. This does not mean that you get to preach to them. I can’t stand people who preach. To me they are people who need to have more people on their side to confirm what they are doing. You don’t need any more validation that your own internal dialog. But this is a whole different topic. I don’t want to stray too far away from the subject.

So what can you do for support?

Like any professional, be it a Major League Baseball player or a Singer… you have a coach. No matter what level you are on you need to have somebody there to challenge you. I don’t recommend your partner, I would find somebody you are not in relationship with. Why? Because a good coach will challenge you. A good coach will piss you off at times because they are getting you to think outside of the box. I remember my first coach. I loathed the idea of talking to this person every day. It was exhausting because at the beginning of the day they would say, “So David. What are you going to create today?” It drove me mad. Not just because they would say that but because they would ask me for specific things that I created the day before. And I had to prove it! I had to be accountable for all of my actions. But that coach never took anything personally because they knew it had nothing to do with them.

I got my chance to coach people and some of those people still stay in touch with me today. It’s a very humbling position to be in. Again, it’s not about you… the Ego stays out of it. You are there to guide another person, to get them to think outside of their box. Some boxes are different sizes.

Remember that everybody is on their own journey and your journey is not theirs.

So… every day I want you to count your blessings. I want you to wake up and count all the positive things in your life. You will be surprised at how many positive things you can add up. If you want help… if you need a coach I can do this or I can get you somebody that you are comfortable with.



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