Blackstar Amps

After a successful 7000 Mile/20 City tour, stretching from California to Ohio in Feb-Mar 2016, Blackstar Amps decided to team up with Kill Ritual Guitarist Steven Rice and Byron Nemeth who are now officially supported by Blackstar. They will both be using the Series One Amps and Cabs on the next tour coming to your town soon.

“We look forward to using Blackstar Amps. Bad-ass Amps. They Sound real fuckin’ good. Super simple and fat sounding.” – Steven Rice

“This Blackstar Series One 104EL34 Amp sounds fantastic and the “American” to “British” sound ISF control is just out of this world!” – Byron Nemeth

Keep up to date on upcoming tours on our Tour page,
or on any of the social media sites listed below.

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Photo Credit: Tim Duran

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