Six of Cups

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Today’s card is the Six of Cups. Shakti – Sacred Feminine Energy

This card is about embracing the male and female energies. You don’t need to be female to tap into the sacred feminine. There is a balance of each in every one of us. Most of us are imbalanced and I believe that is why we have most of the problems on this planet right now.

Balancing these male and female energies is extremely important. We’re seeing young people rise up against Global Warming, the MeToo Movement, Social Inequality between the sexes… and on the opposite side we see male dominant energies fighting for their lives by denying all of it, trying to suppress the masses with ‘fake news’ (which they created only to make us doubt our own selves), denying climate change, having a president that we’ve somehow been ok with his womanizing behavior making ‘grabbing the pussy’ a household word. We’re seeing the breakdown of religion which has suppressed the masses for so long as well. All of this is now coming to a head where we will either annihilate our species or we will give in and start working together.

I believe in balance.

I believe that with all of the negative energies around us right now, we have equal positive energies as well and eventually they will polarize so much, creating such unrest that we will have no choice but to balance them.

Where are you off balance? What parts of your life have you suppressed yourself? What are you willing to give up or take in to balance yourself? Possibly embracing Yoga? Meditation? Proper Nutrition?

It’s time for us as a society to rid ourselves of these old ideas and start embracing this new idea that we are God. We are powerful beings, not servants to money, religion, corporations… but true power. The power of love, of unity, of togetherness.


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Two of Swords

Welcome to the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Today’s card is the two of Swords.

Today is a new beginning if you choose it to be. The 2 of Swords is asking us to rise above it all, take a new stance, a new perspective on things. When we do this, looking at things as a third party, we are no longer emotionally attached nor does the outcome cause us any concern. Life still continues.

There are always challenges in life, there will always be conflicts. It’s how we look and act upon them that makes the difference.

This Full Moon is asking us to take a different step, a bold step into a new future. It’s scary, I’m sure, but isn’t it exciting as well?

Today, focus on something that has concerned you, then rise above it, look around it, and do your best to see it in a new light, because today is about being at peace. Stop fretting over things because you think you ‘have to’. Remember what I’ve said in the past? There are no ‘have to’s’, there are only ‘get to’s’


#twoofswords #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #fullmooninsagittarius #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead

Three of Wands

Today’s card is the 3 of Wands. The Lord of Virtue.

I had to seriously meditate on this card today. I needed to be alone to really dig deep, to focus on what I really want, where I needed to be, and how I was going to get there.

With all of the tools in my arsenal I got busy and started focusing on my new life. What does it look like? Is it an old house covered by vines with trees all around? A brook running through the front yard? Do you see a dog chasing birds in the back yard? Who is with you? What do they look like?

When creating your perfect life you have to get down to the finest detail using all 6 of your senses; hearing, seeing, smelling, touching, tasting, and your intuition, or third eye.

Why am I doing this?

The full moon in Sagittarius is tomorrow. This is, as all full moons, powerful. It’s a moon of change. We have the option now to recreate our whole lives or we can stay where we are, where we’ve always seemed to repeat ourselves, saying we are going to make changes, but never ‘really’ changing. Only changing relationships, or location… not changing ourselves. Not living up to our full potential.

So, when you are getting down to the fine details of what your life will look like, is it that? Changing relationships and locations? Or is it changing you? Rewriting those neural pathways to where you are thinking in a brand new way?

Who are you? I really want to know. Not the Facebook you. The real you.

Dig deep and rewrite your story. I’m sure it will be a best seller.


#3ofwands #fullmooninsagittarius #rohrigtarot #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead

Knight of Cups

Today’s card is the Knight of Cups.
See the rose in front of him? He follows his heart, even when he knows it could be the end of something that he might be comfortable with. Comfort or discomfort do not matter to the heart. What matters is the focus of where it intends to be.
A few years back a friend of mine talked to me about the trine. The head, the heart, and the stomach. Since that time I’ve done my best to put it into practice. Most folks never get past their head, shutting it down. Some never get past their heart and sabotage things because of how they feel. Others follow their gut but don’t have any understanding why they are doing what they are doing.
We need to use all 3.
When something is presented to us, use your head to analyze it, get a good idea of what it’s about, then move to your heart. Sit with it for a day if you must. How does it feel? What scares you about it? What excites you about it? Next, what does your gut say? They refer to the gut as our second brain because there are just as many synapses and energy moving in there as the brain, but the gut has more of an ‘ethereal sense’ than the brain. Now, I’m no scientist, but I would bet that the gut is very much attached to our third eye.
So, after analyzing with your brain, then feeling it with your heart, concentrate on what your gut concludes it with. It might be perfectly rational to your brain, and your heart might be overflowing with excitement, but if your gut concludes that something just doesn’t sit right, follow that gut feeling. It never works when disregarding your gut instinct.
Try it out for a test run. I’d love to hear what you come up with.
#knightofcups #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead