Six of Cups

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Today’s card is the Six of Cups. Shakti – Sacred Feminine Energy

This card is about embracing the male and female energies. You don’t need to be female to tap into the sacred feminine. There is a balance of each in every one of us. Most of us are imbalanced and I believe that is why we have most of the problems on this planet right now.

Balancing these male and female energies is extremely important. We’re seeing young people rise up against Global Warming, the MeToo Movement, Social Inequality between the sexes… and on the opposite side we see male dominant energies fighting for their lives by denying all of it, trying to suppress the masses with ‘fake news’ (which they created only to make us doubt our own selves), denying climate change, having a president that we’ve somehow been ok with his womanizing behavior making ‘grabbing the pussy’ a household word. We’re seeing the breakdown of religion which has suppressed the masses for so long as well. All of this is now coming to a head where we will either annihilate our species or we will give in and start working together.

I believe in balance.

I believe that with all of the negative energies around us right now, we have equal positive energies as well and eventually they will polarize so much, creating such unrest that we will have no choice but to balance them.

Where are you off balance? What parts of your life have you suppressed yourself? What are you willing to give up or take in to balance yourself? Possibly embracing Yoga? Meditation? Proper Nutrition?

It’s time for us as a society to rid ourselves of these old ideas and start embracing this new idea that we are God. We are powerful beings, not servants to money, religion, corporations… but true power. The power of love, of unity, of togetherness.


#sixofcups #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

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