Let it Grow

Welcome to Monday, June 4th which is a 3 in Numerology.

Today’s card is 10 of Disks. Wealth!

Wealth can come in many forms. It can be money, it can be enlightenment, it can be love, friendship, etc. Wealth is abundance of something.

When we accumulate wealth of one form or another and don’t share it that is hoarding. We are seeing it in big business in the money aspect of wealth. When we hoard we get fat and lazy and accumulate more. What we are doing its creating imbalance and eventually and inevitably we will lose it all, and we usually lose it all in the most horrible ways.

When we accumulate wealth, again, in one form or another, and then share it we are creating a never ending flow, a Yin/Yang of energy.

Today’s energy of the 3 is about growth and expansion, creating a rhythm. It’s saying to us that whatever we have bottled up inside we need to release, we need to share. Look at the positive aspects of what you are holding onto. Recognize it and release it. If it is something that serves you it will come back.

What stops us from sharing our wealth?

F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). It’s the fear that we won’t get it back and when you hold that space you probably won’t get it back. It’s a vicious cycle because then you can go into victim mode and say to people, “See… I shared what I have and people just took advantage of me and now I have nothing.” It’s a very easy trap to fall into. You need to change that mindset.

Let it go and let it flow.

Today’s song is ‘Let it Grow’ by Eric Clapton.

“Plant your love and let it grow.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

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