Come Together

Welcome to Sunday, June 3rd which is a 2 in Numerology.

Today’s card is Temperance or Art.

We all know that Art is subjective. We should treat other humans as Art because everybody is different and everybody has their own rainbow of colors within their pallet. Once we start thinking that other colors won’t fit into our pallet is the day that the artist within us dies. We start to become bitter, angry, jealous and closed off to anything else except what is between our blinders that we’ve put on.

I know I keep harping on Facebook… I should put in a disclaimer that Facebook didn’t start it. Like any human, we are born perfect. We just ‘learn’ imperfection.

I believed this division started long ago and we’ll probably never be able to pinpoint the exact time and place that it started so I can only use my own timeline to start where I believe it started in my lifetime.

I was born in the early 60’s so realistically my childhood was in the 70’s where I started to develop my own thoughts and personality. Back then we had 4 TV Channels. ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS. This was before cable, before cellphones, and before home computers. Back then if I didn’t like what was on TV I would go outside and make up my own stories, or hang out with friends, meet new people, get into group conversations. Through this type of growth I hungered for diversity. I enjoyed getting into conversations with people that had different opinions. Some of those diversities I embraced and added to my pallet in one form or another as my own. I was allowed to express myself as I saw fit.

Getting back to Facebook… We see what we want to see there, and if we don’t see what we want to see we can easily block, defriend, or unfollow instead of recognizing the individuality of those that are trying to be individuals. I believe this has stunted our growth as a species and will eventually lead to our demise if we don’t learn tolerance.

The Art card is telling us that to create balance we must be alchemists. We must mix those various elements into our pallet to create our art. Along with today’s vibration of the 2 it is saying that we can have a desperate need for security in what we believe or we can have the spiritual insight to accept what others believe. It is our choice.

What will you choose?

Today’s song is ‘Come Together’ by The Beatles.

“I know you. You know me. One thing I can tell you is you got to be free.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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