I don’t belong here (or do I?)

Have you ever felt so out of place that you have no clue where you belong?

I’ve lived in many places in my life. I have a lot of friends around the world and yet I feel like I live in a bubble. The only real interaction I have with people is on the internet.

When I was young I read Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy. On one of the planets there were only a couple of million people. None of them knew each other. They all communicated with each other through what we would call today, the internet. This book was written in the 1950’s. Sixty years later we are there. We are so close and yet so far from human touch, which is so essential. Human interaction is imperative. Do you know how many misunderstandings there are through text and email? If we just sat down with each other face to face many of these misunderstandings would disappear.

Why are you bumming me out Dave?

I usually have a lot of positive things to say. But as of late I’m not feeling it. I’m not sure if California is for me anymore. But what is for me? Seems I had to come to California to learn that I am talented. That I do have what it takes to make it in the music business. So where do I go from here? I’m not sure but I’m open to the possibilities.

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