Analysis Paralysis

It’s easy to let the mind go into analysis paralysis when confronted with a situation that you have no clue how you’re going to handle it. It’s not our job to handle it. Our job is to declare to the Universe what we want and it delivers.

I’ve asked this question before about this to some of the ‘Manifestors’ that I respect and admire.

“What if I don’t get it? What if it doesn’t come when I need it?”

What they have told me, which I am passing on to you, as well as listening to it myself, is this….

The only reason the Universe doesn’t deliver is because you really don’t believe deep down inside that it will. The people that make millions of dollars just ‘know’ that it is there. There are no questions. It just is.

So, we need to come from the place that it is already there. Like riding a bike. You don’t get on the bike each time and say, “Oh Boy. I hope I can ride it this time. What if my balance doesn’t work? What if… What if…. What if…”. This is analysis paralysis.

Just know, like you know that when you get on that bike that it ‘just is’.

Keep Breathing,


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