Reiki and Insurance

Happy Saturday!!
I’ve been asked a lot lately about Reiki. People seem to be curious about it now more than ever. It’s becoming so mainstream that some insurances recognize it as a healing practice. I would check with your provider, sometimes its under the umbrella of Massage Therapy. My sister is a Massage Therapist. I’ll check with her about it. Below is a link to her practice.

One of my buddies last night was a little hesitant to ask me about it. He wants me to work on him, and has decided to actually go through with it. Why is he hesitant? Well, like a lot of people they think its a bit too ‘Woo Woo’ for them. That its more witchcraft than something that can be physically determined, like, massage. I always resort to this…..

Your cel phone, your wifi. How do these these things transmit through the air? We can’t see them so does that mean that they aren’t there? Of course not. We take it for granted that it works because we see the evidence in the result. I.E.; When you open your browser and the information is right there, or you make a phone call and you hear the persons voice. Reiki is no different. You can’t see the energy coming through the practitioner and transferred to you. The practitioner is a conduit. But afterwards, you feel the results. Sometimes its a permanent change, sometimes its not.

I hope to work with you soon. Here is the link for my sisters practice.



Rabbit Rabbit!!

It’s May 1st and its also Beltane. What is Beltane? As my friend Julie Zip…. I mean, Julie Elizabeth Day reminded us all, she gave a link to this site for more information which I will post below. Basically Beltrane is the time of the Sacred Union or the Great Marriage between the male and female energies (internal and external)/God & Goddess/Lady and the Green Man and a time of great creative energy and fertility. Many choose to begin the celebrations the eve before with bonfires, drumming, feasting and dancing. So Dance!!

Check out Julie’s blog. She is a wonderful teacher and friend.


Julie’s Blog

Beltrane – The Sacred Marriage

Lesson of the Day – April 30, 2015

Happy Thursday! Did you write your 3 pages yesterday? What epiphanies did you have? Any surprises? Did it scare you? Did it wake you up? Today I want you to continue writing your 3 pages. Remember… don’t think! Just write!

Quote of the Day – April 29th, 2015

Happy Wednesday! The month is almost over and what we’ve created over the last few months will manifest for the coming months. What have you been thinking about? Is your mind clear? Have you been thinking that this all isn’t worth it or have you been focusing on what is new and amazing in your life?

Here’s a little trick to help you create what you want.

Remember when you were a child and you would pretend? Any object within your grasp became a spaceship, or a white horse. Unlimited possibilities. Getting back to pretending isn’t as hard as you might think. As we get older we tell ourselves that its silly, or only fools daydream. My challenge for you today is to take 3 pieces of paper and write down the most insane wildest vision of who you want to be. Go ahead. Do it. You can burn the paper later if you want so nobody can read it. This is just for you. The key to this is to just write. Don’t think. Don’t let your brain get in the way. The heart knows what it wants and knows who you really are deep down inside.


Welcome to The Reiki Rocker

Welcome to The Reiki Rocker!

Your source for Alternative Health in the Rock n’ Roll Community

My name is David Reed Watson. I’m a Vocalist, Reiki Master and a Graphic Designer. I created this community for the people that I know… musicians. We live a sporadic lifestyle. Most of us have day jobs to suppliment our music. These means long nights, early mornings, fitness, family, diet all have to be properly balanced as to avoid burn out. Even with this tightrope balance you still need some downtime. Being a Reiki Master has given me more energy and focus than I have ever had before. I wasn’t easy though. It took discipline and practice. I’ve surrounded myself with people who have this same discipline and focus. We learn from each other.

So what is this really about and who are these people that I surround myself with? We are Reiki Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Yoga Instructors, Life Coaches, and much more. We believe that source is within, not somewhere out there.

If you are a practitioner yourself and you would like to join this community, or you are looking to manage your health or lifestyle shoot me an email.

We are on Facebook and on Twitter as well!


I’ve been doing Reiki now for the last couple of years. At first I wasn’t that confident with it. The Doubting Thomas in myself was huge. Once I moved up to Level II my hands started tingling, that feeling when you sit on your hands for awhile. Even the mention of Reiki now had my hands tingling.

Still the doubts.

But after working on several people and seeing the results, as well as them feeling the results… I’m talking long term results, not just…. “Oh Wow I feel great right now.”, I mean long time. I still keep in contact with these people to check in with them.

So now its evident to me that Reiki does in fact work. And with that being said, I am ready to move up to the next level.

Reiki Master.

I’m looking for someone in the Las Vegas area that can give me an attunement. If you are that person or you know a person, please shoot me an email.

Meditation Practice

Not sure how to meditate?

Let me help you… it’s actually pretty easy. Meditation doesn’t have to be you sitting in the lotus position in a Yoga studio chanting OM with a bunch of other like minded souls. You can do it just by focusing on something…. one thing. Try focusing on your body. How does it feel? Focus on that for starters. Before you know it you’ll be a meditation master!

I’ve been called a Day Dreamer a lot in my life… I’m sure there were times that I was daydreaming but for the most part I was meditating. I would do it anywhere. I found peace looking within. I got time to ask myself questions. Questions like; What’s next in your life Dave? What are you doing ‘wrong’ in your life and where can you improve it. Again, like I said, it isn’t always that. There have been plenty of times in my life where I’ve been ‘unconscious’ and just on remote control like a robot. Thank the Universe that I’ve been more awake than not. Anyway… I digress, this isn’t about me (silly Leo).

When can you meditate?

There is more time to meditate that you think…

Ever find yourself waiting in line at the grocery store? Or waiting in the car for someone who may be running an errand? Ever notice that during these times you pick up your phone to check your facebook or play a game?

Put down the phone. Put down any distraction. Take those times when you are waiting in line, waiting for a game to start, or a concert…. use that time. It was given to you. Consider it a freebie from the Universe to look inside of yourself.

If you are worried that people are going to look at you weird, don’t close your eyes… just do a body check. See what you are feeling. See what is going on around you. Do you notice all of the other people checking their phones? Do you see how much time you waste trying to be busy when you’ve got a lot of time to actually meditate.

I love what Wayne Dyer once said…. he meditates at stop lights. He said that guaranteed someone behind him would let him know when the light was changed. 🙂

So…. no excuses. You’ve got a lot of time to meditate.

