Meditation Practice

Not sure how to meditate?

Let me help you… it’s actually pretty easy. Meditation doesn’t have to be you sitting in the lotus position in a Yoga studio chanting OM with a bunch of other like minded souls. You can do it just by focusing on something…. one thing. Try focusing on your body. How does it feel? Focus on that for starters. Before you know it you’ll be a meditation master!

I’ve been called a Day Dreamer a lot in my life… I’m sure there were times that I was daydreaming but for the most part I was meditating. I would do it anywhere. I found peace looking within. I got time to ask myself questions. Questions like; What’s next in your life Dave? What are you doing ‘wrong’ in your life and where can you improve it. Again, like I said, it isn’t always that. There have been plenty of times in my life where I’ve been ‘unconscious’ and just on remote control like a robot. Thank the Universe that I’ve been more awake than not. Anyway… I digress, this isn’t about me (silly Leo).

When can you meditate?

There is more time to meditate that you think…

Ever find yourself waiting in line at the grocery store? Or waiting in the car for someone who may be running an errand? Ever notice that during these times you pick up your phone to check your facebook or play a game?

Put down the phone. Put down any distraction. Take those times when you are waiting in line, waiting for a game to start, or a concert…. use that time. It was given to you. Consider it a freebie from the Universe to look inside of yourself.

If you are worried that people are going to look at you weird, don’t close your eyes… just do a body check. See what you are feeling. See what is going on around you. Do you notice all of the other people checking their phones? Do you see how much time you waste trying to be busy when you’ve got a lot of time to actually meditate.

I love what Wayne Dyer once said…. he meditates at stop lights. He said that guaranteed someone behind him would let him know when the light was changed. 🙂

So…. no excuses. You’ve got a lot of time to meditate.



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