Welcome to The Reiki Rocker

Welcome to The Reiki Rocker!

Your source for Alternative Health in the Rock n’ Roll Community

My name is David Reed Watson. I’m a Vocalist, Reiki Master and a Graphic Designer. I created this community for the people that I know… musicians. We live a sporadic lifestyle. Most of us have day jobs to suppliment our music. These means long nights, early mornings, fitness, family, diet all have to be properly balanced as to avoid burn out. Even with this tightrope balance you still need some downtime. Being a Reiki Master has given me more energy and focus than I have ever had before. I wasn’t easy though. It took discipline and practice. I’ve surrounded myself with people who have this same discipline and focus. We learn from each other.

So what is this really about and who are these people that I surround myself with? We are Reiki Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Yoga Instructors, Life Coaches, and much more. We believe that source is within, not somewhere out there.

If you are a practitioner yourself and you would like to join this community, or you are looking to manage your health or lifestyle shoot me an email.


We are on Facebook and on Twitter as well!

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