Who are you?

A couple of days ago I was reflecting on who I am. I swear to you I’m fine. I was just shocked with the situation that happened. I do know who I am but sometimes the Universe enjoys throwing you a curve ball so you don’t become a pompous ass.

There was a time in my life where I did all of the ‘right’ things. I had the wife, the house, the dog, the good job… but I wasn’t living my truth. It was inevitable that it would all crumble.

When I started living my truth it wasn’t like the heavens opened up and threw it all in my lap. It more or less asked me, “How badly do you want it?” So… this road is not easy. Not in the least. I still maintain a day job, rock at night, record, stay fit, socialize when I can. The difference now is that I have a partner that understands this. How does she understand? She does the same thing. She works hard, rocks, stays fit and socializes when she can. She is living her truth.

I guess what I’m trying to say is this….

If you are not living YOUR truth and you end up living your life for someone else and letting your dreams fall to the wayside because everybody has told you your whole life that its the ‘right’ thing to do, who do you think you are going to attract in your life?


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