Who Am I?

Welcome to Friday, June 15th which is a 5 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the 6 of Wands. Victory.

Count your blessings.

We seem to strive for higher and higher peaks only to get to the next step and finding that there is more to do and even higher to go. We barely ever sit back to see where we have been and where we are now. Like it’s not good enough.

It’s ok to sit back, pat yourself on your back for your achievements. Like in dieting (which I don’t agree with. The first three letters spelling D-I-E), you have a cheat day. Consider today your cheat day. Let yourself bask in your own aura and recognize what you’ve accomplished. Have a party! Celebrate it! It’s ok to indulge yourself from time to time, even if you do it alone.

When is the last time you did this? Have you EVER done it? Why not? What goes through your head when I ask you to celebrate yourself? You don’t have to answer. I know because I’m human just like you. I guess the big question we all have is, “Who am I?”

Why don’t we feel like we are good enough?

Today’s energy of the 5 can be a bit scattered so try to focus on you today. Seriously… do this. You need to see how important you are.

Today’s song is ‘Who Am I?’ by Les Miserables

“If I speak I am condemned. If I stay silent I am damned.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at iamarocksinger@gmail.com or fill out the form below.

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