What will you Create?

Last night while riding my Harley down route 40 in Florida the sky above me was lit up so bright by the full moon that a tear came to my eye. Synchronicities have been happening all around me for weeks, but now that my journey has concluded (at least for the moment) I feel that restlessness setting in.

With all I’ve learned traveling the 2500+ miles I have to center myself and remind myself that the journey is not over, it has, in fact… just begun. I get to now rest briefly and allow everything to unfold around me. That restlessness and urgency are part of my old paradigm, I have to constantly remind myself that I create my reality.

Our society has conditioned us to ‘DO’ things, thinking that if I live within these parameters I will be happy. This is not the case. If we are in a constant state of ‘Do’ing we aren’t allowing our innate creativity to flourish. This is what brings on depression and anxiety. We see it in our society more and more here in the US. In Los Angeles alone there are approximately 60,000 homeless souls. Some from mental illness, some from poverty, some from drugs, runaways, etc.

What if we allowed people in our society to ‘Be’ their authentic selves and nurtured that creativity to teach others to ‘Be’ as well? What would that look like? Our society has become so transfixed on the almighty dollar that we are becoming lost and only focusing on the bottom line.

So, today, as you get ready to go to your job that you hate, ask yourself….

What will I create today that will allow me to ‘Be’ my authentic self?


#followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

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