What is Bliss?

“Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.” ― Joseph Campbell

When it comes down to it, bliss is what you feel when the ego is gone. When you are stripped of the worldly things around you that you are ‘supposed’ to do or feel. Babies feel bliss. Dogs are blissful. When you scold a dog it doesn’t go back in its mind to when you last scolded it. No. It is over right after it happens. Humans repeat it over and over in their heads, constantly beating themselves up for something that they did once. Not very fair is it? Or someone will tell us that we should feel a certain way about something when we don’t and that we should feel this way because everybody else feels that way. No. True Bliss is when you feel what you feel, not because somebody says you should, and not because your ego thinks that you should. When you feel love…. feel it. Don’t run scenarios through your head of what might happen if you act a certain way, or what the best strategic move should be. I’ll give you an example.

I’m not working right now. I don’t have a dime to my name. I go into beat-up mode on a consistent basis even though my partner, who makes all of the money, doesn’t. Why is that? It starts happening because the ego tells me I should be contributing monitarily. Even though I clean the house, yard work, drive her places or do chores that she doesn’t have time to do, it still comes back to money in my head. Frustrating. I’ve tried to change this in my head for quite a long time. Funny how the Universe gives you what you think about all the time, doesn’t it? What I mean by that is, The Law of Attraction will always put what you are thinking about, good or bad, right in your face because that is where your focus is. I’m slowly learning. I’m also slowly learning that money is an idea. It’s a means of paying for something in a certain way. How my partner put it to me was like this… If she paid me to do the housework, the yardwork, run errands, would I feel better? I said, No. I feel like I am obligated to earn my keep. She says, well, if I have to pay somebody else to do the cleaning or the yardwork, what is the difference? And when you put it that way you start to change your whole attitude about it.

Contributing is contributing. <- Period. Now, I'm not saying I wouldn't like to be working. Don't get me wrong. Would we love to be banking a whole bunch of cash so we could go on a trip somewhere? Hell yeah! Of course we would. But getting down about not pulling in a paycheck is counter productive. Being more productive would be; instead of focusing on the job that I don't have, to focus on what I'm good at at how I can make that work. I don't want to get too far off track. I'm not here to talk about me not having a job. I'm here to talk about bliss. If I wasn't so worried about what other people think, following my bliss would be a breeze. Joseph Campbell wrote, "Follow your Bliss." As I quoted him above. What did he mean by this? Let me start by saying, he didn't mean it as a form of self indulgence, like the seven deadly sins; Lust, Glutony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. That is NOT following your bliss. Following your bliss is following your passion. Who do you serve when you follow your true passion? You are serving not only yourself, but the world. What would have happened if Thomas Edison didn't follow his bliss and just did what was the proper thing to do... We wouldn't have electricity. We'd still be using oil lamps and squinting in the dark. There are a thousand examples I could give you. You get the idea though. You're not stupid so I won't elaborate on that. Just follow your bliss and do what you love to do. You will make yourself happy and the people around you happy. And if those people around you can't be happy then that is their problem, not yours. P.S. I am following my bliss. There are times, like I mentioned above, but I regroup and remember who I am and why I am here and what I contribute to this world. And when I am there, in that state, I am creative and the world is a much better place. Try it.

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