The Sacred Clown

Today’s card is the Sacred Clown, or The Fool in traditional tarot.

What the Sacred Clown is telling us is that we are not here to take life so seriously. We are here to explore, to take risks, to fail, to get back up and brush it off.

As children we first learn to crawl, and then we decided to walk… repeatedly we fell, but that didn’t stop us from doing it again and again, and if that wasn’t enough we took it a step (pun intended) further to running. Then we got our first bicycle, skateboard, climbed trees, rappelled off of mountains, etc. Fear was not in our vocabulary. We did things out of curiosity. We took those leaps of faith in love.

Every single one of us has broken out of our box and experienced something uncomfortable and unexpected. It’s in our human nature.

The Sacred Clown is reminding you of all of these times you’ve taken these leaps and is reminding you to never stop taking them.

What will you do today to break out of your comfort zone? Tap into that inner child who has never been afraid, always curious, always ready to live life to the fullest.


#sacredclown #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #starmantarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead

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