The Lovers

Welcome to Thursday, April 26th which is a 5 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Lovers. This is a complex card because it doesn’t necessarily mean what you think it means. It could be about lovers uniting, and becoming one (today’s energy of 5; Sexual, free-thinking and attractive), could very well be for you. But, on a more spiritual (not that sexuality isn’t… don’t get me wrong. Ask me about the Magdalen Manuscript sometime.) plane, it is saying that we’ve come to terms with love. Love might have been a purely sexual, carnal type of attraction… again, not that it is a bad thing, but we are talking about a love for self in this instance.

You now have the capacity to love yourself fully for who you are. It means that you are able to fully engross yourself with whatever passion you’ve been suppressing. You don’t really care what anybody thinks about it either. You are comfortable in saying what you feel and knowing that the world will indeed listen. Even if they don’t listen in the capacity that you desire you know that that one person out there that needs to hear what you say, when you say it, is all that matters.

If ever you’ve suppressed yourself, having settled into a life that you’ve never really wanted… now is a good time to reflect on this. Change things up a bit. Think of suppression like a pimple on your face. The toxins are in there and eventually, they will come out one way or another.

Today’s song is ‘The Lovers’ by Nine Inch Nails

These words are a lie, a mirror reflecting in a mirror of a lie.”


(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

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