Three of Disks


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Today’s card comes as no surprise. Work.

Yesterday while spending time with my sister we went to Stonehenge and then last night stayed in a little town called ‘Avebury’. The last time I was here was with my Ex and her Mom. As it would be, my Ex had deleted me off of Facebook either that morning or the day before. It totally triggered me even though it was something as silly as that.
A friend of mine told me that I need to do the work. I needed to delve deeper into my spiritual practice. She was right in a way, I had been traipsing around it. I guess I was just expecting a bit more empathy for my pitiful feelings at the time. Ha!

A Spiritual Practice is just that… Practice.

There are times that our ego gets bruised and we go into a pity party with ourselves searching for our ‘blanky’ for comfort. And that is ok, but then it’s back to the work.
Having these moments does not mean that you are going backwards, that you haven’t learned anything. It just means that there is more to learn.
There is always more to learn.

But… if you find yourself ALWAYS in this pity party land then it’s time to find out why? Have you really done the work or is it just a facade to make you feel and look good? That’s a tough question to ask and I only ask it because I ask it of myself as well. It keeps me in check.

Do the work.


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