The Star

Today’s card is The Star. If you recall, yesterday’s card was The Tower. The Tower is the 16th Card. The Star is the 17th Card. I pick these cards randomly, but as I’ve stated before… there are no coincidences.

In the book for the Starman Tarot it starts by saying that we might still be recovering from the fall from the Tower, this is true… but what is also true is that you are powerful, you’ve always been powerful and today’s card is reaffirming this for you.

Yes, your past… you don’t like some of the things you’ve done, the short term relationships, the hurt, the moving every 5 or so years, or the staying in toxic relationships for too many years. Whatever your story might be, THIS IS NOT WHO YOU ARE!

Is it possible that the story you’ve been repeating for far too long is of your own self defeating doing? Is it possible that you are afraid of your power? Look at the people that you’ve touched around you… are they grateful for your presence in their lives? Well then, damn it! It’s time for you to smash that already broken record. It’s time for you to go to the book store and get a brand new blank book and start rewriting these pages.

Own your power. Release your old shit, and move the fuck on already!

I hope this slap in the face will help you get over yourself. I mean this in the most loving of ways.


#thestar #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #starmantarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead