What do you live for?

What do you live for?

Today’s card is the High Priestess. She has the secrets of the underworld and of the physical world. She is telling us to not just see something with our eyes, but see things with all of our senses, with our gut. Look at a plant and just don’t see an object that you know as an image that you’ve learned in a book. Look at it with your heart, with you nose, touch… connect with it.

Today we are following the path that we’ve been following for the last month. We are looking at everything anew. We are sitting alone and ‘listening’.

We don’t realize how powerful we are. Everything that has been created on this planet by man has come from the imagination. The ones that tap into source are the ones that create, it just comes to them in their sleep, in their dreams, because they are focused.

Are you focused? Are you focused on your dreams? Or are they somewhere out there, unattainable from your grasp? Why do you believe they are unattainable? Why do you believe that somebody ‘better’ can attain this but you can not? These are questions we must ask ourselves.

Sit still. Focus on your breath. Listen. Let your intuition guide you. Be the God or Goddess you were born to be.


#thehighpriestess #starmantarot#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #followyourintuition #followyourbliss