The Energy of Water

Welcome to Wednesday, January 17th, which is an 11 in Numerology.

Today’s card is from the Rumi Oracle. She offers the Sacred Wine, so Drink!

Remember the old saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?” Well, lighten the fuck up! You’ve got a lot on your plate, but if you don’t sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor, then why even do it?

Today’s vibrational number is 11, and in an 11 year of a 1 month, we have magic! Today is a day to up the ante. To release all of the old negative energy that surrounds us. I just smudged my house with sage this morning, releasing old energy to the universe.

In the Rumi Oracle, the sacred feminine tells us to drink of the nectar. The sacred wine. To get drunk on it. How much water are you drinking right now? Are you drinking enough?

An experiment with water was done by Dr. Masaru Emoto. After placing positive words, playing uplifting music, and sending prayers to a glass of water it created beautiful crystals in the water. This could only be seen through a microscope, so if you don’t see it, it’s ok… unless of course, you wish to try it yourself with a microscope. He did the same experiment by using negative words and noticed disfigured and disturbing images in the water, again through a microscope.

Our bodies are made up of 75% water so imagine what negativity can affect or physiology!

Today, drink, drink, drink… and when you do, before each glass say a prayer and thank the universe for this sacred nectar. Do this experiment and see how you feel. I’m betting you’ll be on fire!

Today’s song is; Water is Life (Mni Wiconi) by Sara Thomsen

 “We are the water. We are where all life begins.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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