The Five of Cups

Today’s card is the 5 of Cups.

The 5 of Cups talks about loss. There are no coincidences because I have recently lost. Being single again is strange, but I’m fortunate to have good friends who have reached out to me. .
There is always a lesson when change comes along. It’s recognizing the role that we played, either good or not so good, it doesn’t matter. What matters is this; what did we learn? How can it help others? Can we pinpoint our error so as to not repeat it again?

The 5 of Cups also represents the 5 stages of grieving; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. It is imperative that we recognize each step and honor each one. Do your best not to run away from them because you will just repeat it in the future. With each step spend time alone. Analyze each step, write down what you are feelings, and be honest with yourself. If you need to console with others, then do it only for growth, not for pity. Once you reach the acceptance step, congratulate yourself for going what you went through, put it on the shelf and only look at it as a reference, nothing more.

Life is a series of lessons, and as I quoted Sadhguru yesterday…

I am condemned to die a failure. But, I’m a blissful failure.

Embrace your failures. Embrace your triumphs. Embrace yourself.


#fiveofcups #sadhguru #fivestagesofgrief #starmantarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead

For What it’s Worth

Welcome to Tuesday, September 25th which is a 9 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Knight of Wands.

I’ve asked this question before… “What are you good at?”

And then the next question I will always ask is… “What are you doing in that direction?” And if you’re not, why not? You see, we are all here for a reason. Every single one of us. I believe that we are all connected, like cells in the body. We see how the tides change when the moon is full, how it effects people, etc. So why do we think that the unseen is mumbo jumbo? I mean, people believe in God and he/she is unseen.

So on a day ruled by the Knight of Wands it is telling us to listen to the unseen and expect that something is going to happen if we pay attention. If we focus only on our dreams your deepest fears might come true. You could be a success!

Today’s energy of the 9 is telling us that an unfolding can happen if we allow it.

Today’s song is; For What It’s Worth by Buffalo Springfield.

“Stop Children. What’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #youaregod #humandesign #iching #forwhatitsworth #buffalospringfield


Welcome to Monday, September 24th which is an 8 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Three of Swords.

This card is known as the Lord of Sorrow. A lot of times when we can’t make a decision we feel this sorrow. Yesterday I asked the question, “Where do I go?” Well, today’s question might be, “What do I do?”

This is coming up at a weird time for me. I’ve been known to run around like a chicken with its head cut off. Long story short… because I run around like a madman I left my contact in my eye and now it seems it’s infected. I’m heading back to the VA hospital this morning to have it checked out again because I still can’t see through it. Now, I’m not worried that I won’t be able to see through it again, that’s not the issue. It’s the issue of having to stop everything in its tracks and relax as if the universe is telling me to slow down.

Actually, it’s not telling me. It’s forcing me.

Sometimes when we clutter our lives either with stuff, time, work, etc. we don’t give ourselves time to breath and allow ourselves to listen to our higher selves. There is a message in there if we will just slow down and take a listen.

And… what are you scrambling for anyway? What are you telling the universe? Are you saying that you’re not enough? Well… cut the shit already.

Today’s vibration of the 8 is telling you that you a Master of Spiritual Power, of giving and receiving. Note that last word… receiving. That means for you (me) to sit back, relax and receive. Yes, I know… if you’re like me receiving seems impossible. Anything is possible.

Today’s song is; Relax by Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

“But shoot it in the right direction. Make makin’ it your intention. Live those dreams.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #youaregod #humandesign #iching #frankiegoestohollywood #relax

Where do I go?

Welcome to Sunday, September 23rd which is a 7 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Two of Swords.

Where do I go? Follow the River? Where do I go? Follow the gulls?

We’re at a crossroads right now. We have options, but where do we go? Do we follow our heart and possibly become heartbroken? Do we follow our intellect, or ego and possibly get lost?

Whatever your choice, choose wisely. My suggestion would to always follow your gut, not your heart nor your egoic self. Look at your gut as the culmination of the heart and the head coming together to give you the answer. Following our gut is not always easy though because it speaks the truth, but sometimes we’re not ready for the truth.

Either way… today’s vibration of the 7 is that of psychic abilities, introspection and following your intuition. So sit… breathe… repeat.

Today’s song is; Where do I go? From the Broadway Musical, Hair.

“Where do I go? Follow the River? Where do I go? Follow the gulls?.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #youaregod #humandesign #iching #hair #wheredoigo

Wake Up

Welcome to Saturday, September 22nd which is a 6 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Princess of Swords.

Thought manifests reality.

Have you been giving yourself enough time to rest? You know that when you dream, it is working out what you were doing in your waking hours. That’s why when we wake we usually have the answer to the questions we were pondering the day before.

It is now time to bring those thoughts and visions that you’ve been having into the light. With diligence and a little sweat we can make them reality. Now is not the time to be fearful because you ‘know’ deep inside that everything is going to work. You have the tools. It’s now time to dig.

Today’s vibration of the 6 is telling us that serving others is great, but serving ourselves first is important. As they tell us on an airplane, “Please put on your air mask first before helping others with theirs.”

Please follow my website: If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading or get Personal Coaching, you can email me at

Today’s song is; Wake Up by The Arcade Fire.

“Children, Wake up. Hold your mistake up before they turn the summer into dust.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #youaregod #humandesign #iching #wakeup #thearcadefire

I Hope You Dance

Welcome to Friday, September 21st which is a 5 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Death card.

It’s funny because yesterday’s card was about being at peace and todays card, the Death card, is about the never ending birth/death of self.

We, and I’m definitely including myself here, get caught up in stuff. We get caught up in what things are supposed to look like. Society tells us how things are supposed to be. Politics, religion, culture… they are all telling us who we should be. But what if we could go back to that childhood innocence? Where changing was easy? We put on new hats every day to find out who we are. What if society allowed this? Why doesn’t it?

What I’ve found through various affiliations is that the more people you get on your side, the more validated it becomes to our egos. Death is telling us to let all of that go and to be reborn unto ourselves. Nobody else.

Well Dave, isn’t that anarchy? Some would think so, but I would challenge that and say that as long as you are compassionate towards others, meaning, letting them do what they want, and as long as you are looking in the mirror and allowing others the freedom which you seek, then everyone would just get along. It seems pretty easy to me. Why is it such a challenge? It’s a challenge because most of us say it’s impossible. And so it is.

Once we change our thought patterns and allow change then it will come.

Today’s vibration of the 5 is telling us that there is freedom in action. So today, move forward in your thoughts and actions. Take that step that you’ve always been afraid to take. Allow yourself to not care what the world might think. Remind yourself of why you are here and what you can contribute by being your unique self.

Today’s song is; I Hope You Dance by LeeAnn Womack.

“Livin’ might mean takin’ chances but they’re worth takin’.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #youaregod #humandesign #iching #ihopeyoudance #leeannwomack

Peace Dog

Welcome to Thursday, September 20th which is a 4 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Two of Swords.

Last night my radio show was about depression. We all suffer it from time to time. Some of us wallow in it for longer than others, I know I have been. My main point of the show was to tell people that if they are depressed that they need to reach out. Reach out to a friend, or a group. People you know that will just listen to you and maybe offer suggestions. All too often we run across people that will tell you to get over it, or they will run away at the first sign, thinking that your ‘problem’ will carry over onto them, burdening them or something. Those aren’t friends… those are ‘facebook’ friends.

I never in my life thought that I would be labeling ‘friends’ in different categories like this, especially with the internet. Maybe because I grew up without it? The lines are being blurred to what is reality and what isn’t and it makes it hard to find people to confide in.

The Two of Swords is ‘Peace’. I believe that today I am at peace because I spoke up about what was bothering me. Not everybody has the platform of a radio show to do this… I understand that. Peace can only truly come from within, I know this, but that does not mean that we shouldn’t communicate these feelings. Communicating them is just to get it out of our system. No other reason. You just need somebody to listen, that’s all.

Today’s vibration of the 4 is telling us that we are ready to let go of old shit and finally be at peace.

Today’s song is; Peace Dog by The Cult.

“Poor Man, Sad Man, You should be a glad man.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #youaregod #humandesign #iching #peacedog #thecult