The Five of Cups

Today’s card is the 5 of Cups.

The 5 of Cups talks about loss. There are no coincidences because I have recently lost. Being single again is strange, but I’m fortunate to have good friends who have reached out to me. .
There is always a lesson when change comes along. It’s recognizing the role that we played, either good or not so good, it doesn’t matter. What matters is this; what did we learn? How can it help others? Can we pinpoint our error so as to not repeat it again?

The 5 of Cups also represents the 5 stages of grieving; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. It is imperative that we recognize each step and honor each one. Do your best not to run away from them because you will just repeat it in the future. With each step spend time alone. Analyze each step, write down what you are feelings, and be honest with yourself. If you need to console with others, then do it only for growth, not for pity. Once you reach the acceptance step, congratulate yourself for going what you went through, put it on the shelf and only look at it as a reference, nothing more.

Life is a series of lessons, and as I quoted Sadhguru yesterday…

I am condemned to die a failure. But, I’m a blissful failure.

Embrace your failures. Embrace your triumphs. Embrace yourself.


#fiveofcups #sadhguru #fivestagesofgrief #starmantarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead