Dark Night of the Soul

Welcome to Saturday, September 15th which is an 8 in Numerology.

Today’s card is Peace.

One thing about the tarot that always rings true for me… somehow the energy in the card that I pick every morning is exactly what I need to hear. Today is no different. I told you that I was going through the dark night of the soul for the last few weeks… hell, possibly all summer. The heat here in Las Vegas can really drag you down, especially if you’re an outdoors person like myself. Well, yesterday the heat finally broke, I drove with the top down in the Miata for the first time in several months and felt the cool night air as I went to go sing with some friends. It was refreshing.

One thing I noticed this morning that I didn’t notice last night, especially after pulling this card was that there were a few people there last night that I shy away from but last night I barely even noticed that they were there… no conflict.

When we create conflict that is just our shadow self-mirroring itself. And that is probably the most debilitating thing… noticing parts of yourself that you don’t like. When you finally let go of it you have released that part in you that you don’t like. But when you hang on to old stuff you are still holding on to something within yourself that you don’t like.

Pretty easy.

With today’s energy of the 8 it is telling us that we have the freedom to change, that we have the power to create peace within ourselves… because that is what all conflict is anyway. It’s our own insecurities mirroring the real problem!

Today’s song is ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ by Loreena McKennitt.

“Oh night, thou was my guide. Oh night more loving than the rising sun. Oh night that joined the lover to the beloved one transforming each of them into the other.”


(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)

(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)


If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at iamarocksinger@gmail.com or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #youaregod #humandesign #loreenamckennitt #darknightofthesoul


Welcome to Wednesday, April 18th which is a 33 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the 3 of Disks. This card signifies work. It’s acknowledging that we’ve worked hard, progress has been made and people have noticed what you’ve done thus far… but it’s not time to stop (is it ever?) because if you do all of that hard work will have been in vain.

Combined with the energy of the Master Number 33 today can be groundbreaking for you. 33 is the mover and the shaker. Using this Master Number to its fullest potential will mean unlimited possibilities.

Work is a mindset more than a physical action. I learned this the hard way after working my tail off for many years. I became physically exhausted, had no life, and found myself completely miserable. It wasn’t until I changed my mindset did things start turning around for me. The key to all of this is to find your niche. What is it that you are REALLY good at?

I’m really good at singing and teaching so after many years I combined these sources together as a lyricist. It was a lot of trial and error and it still needs refinement but no longer am I struggling, wasting time with something that I am not happy with. This is what it will take for you as well. Find that niche and peel back the onion layers.

Another thing I’ve realized is this; Once you start focusing on helping people instead of focusing on the self that is when things start moving and shaking.

What is your niche? What are you doing right now? Are you doing something you hate? And if so, why do you think you ‘have to’ do what you are doing?

Today’s song is ‘The Bonny Swans’ by Loreena McKennitt

He laid the harp upon a stone and straight it began to play lone.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #loreenamckennitt #thebonnyswans