
Welcome to Saturday, November 11th which is a 5 in Numerology.

Number 5 relates to making positive life choices and decisions and learning life lessons through experience. Combine this with the powerful 11/11 day and it’s almost guaranteed that whatever you focus on will indeed come true. Take some time to sit alone and focus on what you really want. Remove the clutter from your mind, sit still and manifest away!

Not only are we having a 5 day on 11/11, it is also a 1 year (2+0+1+7=10 1+0=1)! You honestly cannot get any better of a day to focus on what you want. Again, be vigilant. Hyperfocus on it. Don’t just envision it… feel it. They say that when manifesting if you physically feel it, it sets in motion that vibration. Make yourself a dream board today and set it up in your bedroom. Focus on the images before you go to sleep and imagine that you already have what you are looking for.

I usually spend 11/11 with close friends and in ceremony. And I intend to do just that. We are on the beaches of California right now, feeling the chilly morning air, the humidity, and just enjoying what spirit has to offer.

Today’s song is; From the Beginning by Emerson, Lake & Palmer.

“You see, it’s all clear. You were meant to be here from the beginning.”





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