The Fog

Welcome to Sunday, Oct. 29th which is a 4 in Numerology. The 4 is; patience, perseverance, and directness. When dealing with 4 energy it is telling us that we don’t have to know everything to move forward. Trust is the key for today. If we move throughout today, just moving forward in the direction of our goals we will be fine. If we stop moving forward because we don’t have all of the answers then we will stop what we’ve been working hard to manifest.

The fog, as depicted in this card is letting us know this. It is telling us that there is, in fact, a silver lining just beyond our reach.


Why can’t we have what we want now?

Look back at everything good that has happened in your life, and the timing of it. Has anything ever truly amazing happened to you just because you wished it to be in that moment? Most likely not. I’m fairly confident in saying that it probably started out as an idea, then that idea manifested itself in action and then it came into the physical.

So again… keep moving forward and trust that this fog will eventually clear at the right time.

— Something New —

I’m going to start putting in a song for the day from now on. Something that I think will be relevant to the message for the day.
Today’s song is Zero 7 – In the Waiting Line.





#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #fog #oraclecards #lifecoach #singersongwriter #Zero7 #Inthewaitingline