Subjugate your Suffering

Welcome to Thursday, May 10th which is an 8 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the 10 of Swords. Ruin.

What does today’s card teach us? Believe me, I gasped when it came up this morning. First, it was worry and then after further analysis, it was a much-needed warning for all of us. Combined with today’s number 8 of re-evaluation it is something to heed.

Endless fighting ends with destruction and endless analysis ends with a loss of hope and/or belief.

You’ve heard me talk about the Ego in the past, about how we stubbornly stick to our guns about our beliefs. But if we put the ego aside we allow ourselves to change our beliefs/philosophies and allow them to adapt to this new and ever-changing world. Ego has kept us in this space of not allowing change to happen. Like the Hatfield’s & McCoy’s… they didn’t even know what they were fighting for any more they just fought because they always have. It’s silly.

If we look internally (As above, so below) we see this fight as well. I know I’ve been a victim of my own philosophies at times. The over-analysis of my own beliefs where I’ve had the internal war with myself about what I should or shouldn’t do in this world and the more that we do things in the public eye we get locked into what other people see us as. It’s expected of us.

I’ll take my band Kill Ritual. We are labeled as a ‘Thrash Band’, but is that who we are? No… not at all. We are ever-changing and adapting to what we see ourselves as and that changes just as members and new philosophies come into our spectrum. We have to deal with reviews of ‘This singer sucks’ or ‘I hate these guys now’ because of that public eye not allowing change.

Where are you not allowing a change in your life?


Today’s song is ‘Dead Heart in a Dead World’ by Nevermore.

“Subjugate your suffering.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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