What are you committed to?

Lately I’ve been pondering and studying manifestation and how manifestation takes a bit of commitment. We are usually pretty gung ho in the beginning but eventually it starts to fizzy out once we don’t see any results. A week goes by and we’re pacing the kitchen and wondering if we’ve done it wrong… so what do we do? We re-commit ourselves with a different idea thinking that the last one didn’t work. Father/Mother/God is going…. “Slow down there Jr.! If you’re committed, you’re committed, right?” I guess in a way Father/Mother/God (F.M.G.) is asking us if we are serious.

I mean, let me put it this way. Let’s say that everything that you’ve ever wanted came to you immediately. Think of all of the mundane things you wish for during the day. Would you really want all of your thoughts to manifest in front of your eyes? Really? I know I wouldn’t. You wouldn’t want to see the shit that goes through my head.

So, F.M.G. has devised a fail-safe way to manifest. They want to make sure you’re serious. You’ve heard the expression, “Good things come to those that wait.” If you truly believe in this stuff you have to trust that it will come but most of us give up and change our minds which must make F.M.G. crazy!

So here the question lies… how committed are you? Do you really want to see change? Are you committed to allowing it to happen around you and trust that it will as long as you are doing the work and moving forward?

It might take time, but I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that goes for timing as well.

Don’t give up or get discouraged too quickly. Just breathe and ‘Know’.


I’ve created a Patreon page and a Ko-Fi Page where you can go to donate and help me on my journey. This way I can continue giving coaching and Reiki for everyone for free.
If you would like coaching or Reiki just shoot me a DM or email me at iamarocksinger@gmail.com

I was so much older then. I’m younger than that now.

Yesterday I was hit full front with my past. Literally. I got to see how I have hurt others with my insecurities and where I still need to do the work.

Reparations come in many forms, be it from past relationships, to politics, religion, race… but they are essential to our personal growth. What they are saying is, “I’m sorry for the past and although I can’t change the past I can do my best to change our future.” It’s saying, “I’m sorry, I am not that person anymore.”

When we recognize where we’ve hurt others, where they have hurt us, it is saying that we must mend those old pains in order for us to grow. It is also saying to do the work. Dive deep and recognize your role so that these patterns never happen again.

I’ve mentioned before that I am diving deep into my subconscious and working on my abandonment issues. I had mentioned about Bruce Lipton talking about how the subconscious takes over when we aren’t being mindful. I know that for many years my subconscious was driving me, while consciously I was creating my own hell. Some do it through alcohol, some through drugs, some through sex, some through relationships. Whatever coping mechanism we use, they need to be looked at and recognized as just that… coping mechanisms. Nothing more.

When we look at these coping mechanisms we start to recognize where they’ve shown up in our lives, and when. They usually show up when we think we’re stuck, when we think that the answers will never come. We start to feel hopeless, when we say, “Here we go again. I’m just a fuck up.”

So do the work. Do it today. If you’re in a relationship, talk to your partner about it instead of hiding it. You might be surprised… they might thank you or they might leave. But is it worth living your life like this until the day you die?

Do the work.


I’ve created a Patreon page and a Ko-Fi Page where you can go to donate and help me on my journey. This way I can continue giving coaching and Reiki for everyone for free.
If you would like coaching or Reiki just shoot me a DM or email me at iamarocksinger@gmail.com


Into each Life some Rain must Fall

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote that in his poem, ‘ The Rainy Day’. We’re from New England, and one thing we’ve learned as New Englander’s is that if you wait long enough, change will come, the rain will stop.

When we get in that rainy day funk, look at it as a blessing. I can tell you, after living in Las Vegas where it rained once in a blue moon, when it rained I welcomed it like an old friend, the downtime, the quiet time that reminded me of those old days in New England.

If you find yourself in a position where the rainy days of your mind are more frequent than desired it might be time for you to take another perspective because you can’t keep moving forward with the same tools in your toolbox that didn’t work in the past. It might be a wake up call from Father/Mother/God of what doesn’t work. And when something doesn’t work we need to get out of our [tool]box, or as they say, think outside of our box.

But how can you think outside of your box if you don’t know what you don’t know?

Ah Ha! That’s a great question!

When I started my journey as a life coach back in 2002 we did exercises called ‘stretches’. We would force ourselves to do things that made us completely uncomfortable. I remember one of those ‘stretches’ where I had to go out on the beach with a paperclip and come back with something different. Some people in our group came back with physical cash, some came back with only the paperclip that they had started with. The ones that came back with something different than the paperclip were willing to get out of their box, release their story of what it should look like, or what it HAD looked like their whole life. They were willing to see something different, and that is where you need to be, mentally, if you find yourself repeating the same old story.


I’ve created a Patreon page and a Ko-Fi Page where you can go to donate and help me on my journey. This way I can continue giving coaching and Reiki to everyone for free.
If you would like coaching or Reiki just shoot me a DM or email me at iamarocksinger@gmail.com


Get on your Cycle and Ride!

Ok… Freddie actually said ‘Get on your ‘bike’ and ride, but on the metaphysical journey this cycle is never ending. As soon as we end one journey we begin another.

No matter how many times I’ve started/completed a cycle the monkey mind inevitably jumps in to remind us that we’re still the same. But are we? That depends. What did we learn from the last cycle? Did we learn enough and dive deep enough within ourselves, so much so that it was completely uncomfortable?

If you did (and I’m assuming you have) then the monkey mind will be even louder.

DAVE!!!! Come on! I did this journey so that I could heal, damn it!

I’ll ask you this then… How old are you? How long have these programs, these limiting beliefs been running our lives?

As I go deeper and deeper, peeling the onion layers away, I start to hone in on deeper issues, patterns… some of them we can’t see unless we’ve worked on other areas of our lives. As the saying goes, “We don’t know what we don’t know, until we know it.”

So… when the monkey mind starts its chatter again, that is where we need to hone in. That is the next step in the journey. It’s not saying that you’re a complete mess, it’s just another program of belief that we need to clean up.

Why do you think ignorance is bliss? It’s because when we take this journey of enlightenment we begin the healing journey. It hurts. It’s difficult. It takes focus. It takes time. But if we stay in the matrix, doing the same old thing, complaining about the same old stuff, continuing the same old patterns, we are miserable. Understanding WHY we are miserable is the healing journey.

I know it sounds hopeless, but it’s not. As the layers peel away we start to realize that giving of ourselves becomes more gratifying. The focus is off of ourselves and synchronicities start to unfold.

No longer are you the victim.


I’ve created a Patreon page and a Ko-Fi Page where you can go to donate and help me on my journey. This way I can continue giving coaching and Reiki for everyone for free. If you would like coaching or Reiki just shoot me a DM or email me at iamarocksinger@gmail.com


New Ground

My new journey begins today. Yesterday was a day of fatigue and I needed to lay in bed, rest, and reflect on the whole journey that I’ve taken before starting on to the next journey.

What is different about me?

The past is the past. Whatever happened then is no longer relevant in my life. I can say that with the utmost truth as if whatever happened in the past was a dream, a ‘story’, that I lived, or my perception of what I lived. My past ‘story’ is not my present truth.

When our truth starts to unfold there is no longer a need to validate our truth. Just living our truth is the only path. I’m not saying that whatever happened in my past didn’t effect me… not at all. What I’m saying is, that whatever happened in my past happened for a reason and that now I know fully in my heart that I am where I am supposed to be. Not physically. Mentally.

I will say this again, as I’ve said all along this last journey.

Everybody should do this.

Everybody should have the time to reflect on their past, understand our past, mourn our past, and then file it away with the rest of the history books only to reference it in conversation to help others move forward. It should never be taken off the shelf to claim victimhood. We are not victims and to live as a victim will never allow you to move forward.

Amongst my ‘readings’ (audiobooks) while on my Harley there were case studies after case studies where cancer survivors looked back at the profound changes that happened in their lives and that they will only talk about the cancer in reference to the past and that most of them don’t even want to talk about it… not from fear that it will return, but because that is not their truth. And each one was grateful for the change in their lives. You would think that they would reference the experience as something horrible that has messed up their whole lives, but no… they were grateful that now they live their life in such a profoundly different way that you would never know they had such a horrible dis-ease. I’ve never had cancer, nor would I want it, but the point was well taken.

Live your truth at all costs. Don’t let society, family, friends, or situations sway you from your truth. Give of yourself even when you think you are unable to, and to always send love to everyone around you… and mean it.


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What will you Create?

Last night while riding my Harley down route 40 in Florida the sky above me was lit up so bright by the full moon that a tear came to my eye. Synchronicities have been happening all around me for weeks, but now that my journey has concluded (at least for the moment) I feel that restlessness setting in.

With all I’ve learned traveling the 2500+ miles I have to center myself and remind myself that the journey is not over, it has, in fact… just begun. I get to now rest briefly and allow everything to unfold around me. That restlessness and urgency are part of my old paradigm, I have to constantly remind myself that I create my reality.

Our society has conditioned us to ‘DO’ things, thinking that if I live within these parameters I will be happy. This is not the case. If we are in a constant state of ‘Do’ing we aren’t allowing our innate creativity to flourish. This is what brings on depression and anxiety. We see it in our society more and more here in the US. In Los Angeles alone there are approximately 60,000 homeless souls. Some from mental illness, some from poverty, some from drugs, runaways, etc.

What if we allowed people in our society to ‘Be’ their authentic selves and nurtured that creativity to teach others to ‘Be’ as well? What would that look like? Our society has become so transfixed on the almighty dollar that we are becoming lost and only focusing on the bottom line.

So, today, as you get ready to go to your job that you hate, ask yourself….

What will I create today that will allow me to ‘Be’ my authentic self?


#followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

Life is about the Journey…

Along my journey across the United States I have learned ‘non-attachment’. There was an interesting example of this while riding through Houston. While riding, as I’ve mentioned before, I have been listening to the Hay House HEAL Summit which was 4 days of seminars by various speakers. Well, as I’ve delved deeper into this I have become the observer for everything around me. Along side of me a car was rear-ended, crushing the back end of it, the car that was rear-ended swerved towards me, I downshifted the motorcycle and gunned it to get clear of the collision that was heading towards me. As I pondered this after getting clear of it I laughed. Why did I laugh? Because I was observing it, I was no longer part of it, there was no story that I needed to make up in my head, nor did I feel the need to freak out or make up what could have happened. It did not alter my reality for more than the moment that it happened.

What was the lesson of this?

Mind you, I sent prayers for the people in the accident. I’m sure they weren’t looking forward to that in their day and I do sympathize. I don’t want you to get the impression from this that I don’t care. I’m sure that they learned a lesson from this as well, and as the observer on a motorcycle I am very aware of people on their celphones. Now that I’ve got that disclaimer out of the way, what did I learn?

Living in the NOW as Eckhart Tolle teaches is about getting rid of the ‘what if’s’, or ‘should have’s’, or anything else that comes from the past, or of the future. Being in the NOW is about being present. Present with our feelings. Present with our actions. Present with our thoughts.

I pulled the Hanged Man today from my Tarot deck. The Hanged man is about surrender. It’s about not being attached to anything and allowing ourselves to experience the journey.

Life is about the Journey, not the Destination.


#followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi