
Welcome to Saturday, August 25th which is an 8 in Numerology.

Today’s card is Justice.

What is just? What is unjust?

The question can be answered on both sides of the fence. From my reality justice is what we make it to be. We find ways to validate anything if want it badly enough. For example: Some would say that country music sucks while another appreciates it so much that it has changed their life? If someone is gay that will say that the world is unjust to them while a christian would go so far as to say god is just by putting someone who is not heterosexual down.

So… who is right? Who is wrong?

Would you believe me if I said… neither?

What it comes down to is this… we each have our own reality. How do we know this? We know because realities change. People change. Society changes. That is why I’ve bought into what a book says… the bible being one of them. Yes, it might have some great ideas, but are those ideas complete and whole? I think not. We know this because we’ve watched things change as society grows and learns. Look at the catholic church and what they are going through at the moment. It seems they’ve been living their own lie for centuries, and I’m sure some are heartbroken and lost… but again, as time moves on we will realize that religion is an old paradigm just as we believe and accept new ideas and concepts.

There are some that believe still that the world is flat, even though we have science to prove them wrong, but that doesn’t change their minds because, again, people will believe what they want to believe until they, themselves, change. Same goes with politics. I might not agree with policies in place, but that won’t change anybody that believes it themselves.

I’m sounding very redundant, and because I write stream of conscious, I somehow will make my point. J So… off of my soapbox I will say this…

Justice and Injustice are personal philosophies and must come to terms personally.

Today’s song is ‘Belief’ by John Mayer.

“Belief is a beautiful armor but makes for the heaviest sword.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at or fill out the form below.

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