Piercing the Veil

Happy Samhain, or Halloween!

Today is Tuesday, Oct. 31st which is a 6 in Numerology. The 6 is Gaia, Mother Earth, the nurturer.

Today is also the day where the veil is the thinnest between this world and the spirit world.

The Shaman works with Mother Earth and the Spirit world to heal our spiritual wounds.

How have your dreams been in the past few days? Are you waking up restless? If you are, it might be that your spirit guides are working overtime… healing your spiritual wounds. The more you work on your spirituality on this side, the less they have to do on the other side. Equate it to someone fumbling around unconsciously as someone picks up the pieces behind them. The ones picking up the pieces behind you are your guides trying to maintain the direction that YOU chose before coming down here. The more you delve into your spirituality, the more you will recognize this.

Are you fumbling around? Lost on your path and not sure what your path actually is?

Every single one of us has a path that we have chosen before coming down here. Today is a good day to ask your guides to lead you towards your path. And if you already know the path you are on, ask them to clear it for you so that there are less stumbling blocks in front of you. We all fall down. The true test—Are you willing to get back up time and time again?

Today the veil is thinnest. Take advantage of this time.

Today’s song is called ‘All Fall Down’ from a band I sang for when living in Los Angeles. The band was ‘The Constant‘.


“And we all fall down flat on our faces, trippin’ over our shoelaces every God damned day. And though I’ve been down more than I care to say. Tomorrow just might be a better day.”


#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson#singersongwriter #lifecoach #samhain#shaman #oraclecards #reiki