Rahu & Ketu

I recently had a reading done by Annie Botticelli. And with a name like that, how can you not be intrigued? Her reading was very helpful in the fact that not only did she give me insight into patterns, most of which I already know and I am working on, but she gave me tools to use, books to read, even herbal remedies. Of course, being who I am, I immediately downloaded every book to my iPad and started devouring the information.

One of the most insightful suggestions she gave me was a book called ‘Astrology for the Soul‘ by Jan Spiller. Jan gives you information on your North Node (Rahu) and your South Node (Ketu). Your North Node represents points of karmic imbalance. You get this from the year and month of your birth. For instance… I’m August 1963 so mine is Cancer. What is interesting about the North and South Nodes is that each come with certain lessons and qualities to develop. The South Node is opposite of the North (duh) so mine is Capricorn. What that is saying is I have Capricorn tendencies that I need to learn to balance in this lifetime.

To delve further into this exploration I went to Youtube. I found an astrologer by typing in ‘Rahu in the 8th house in Cancer’ and he came up. He goes by KRS and I’ve found him to be an amazing wealth of information and easy to understand.

Ok. I probably confused you by saying ‘Rahu in the 8th house in Cancer’. How did I get that? Well in Vedic Astrology they call the North Node ‘Rahu’ and the South Node ‘Ketu’. KRS caters to vedic astrology which I find to be a much deeper philosophy than most. Just my preference. Ok, back to 8th house. You can get this by going to Astrolada.com and getting her free chart. In this chart it will tell you everything about your sign by putting in your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. There will be a chart on the right hand side that has I-XII. These are the 12 houses in Astrology. Find your Rahu… mine is Cancer, so I go to the chart on the right and find Cancer in my VIII house. Here is the link to get your own chart.

Birth Chart Calculator

This goes much deeper than just saying, “Oh.. I’m a Leo so I must be such and such.” For instance… I’m a Leo Sun, Scorpio Ascending and a Libra Moon. I’ll get into that another time or you can email me to get a deeper insight.

The bottom line is this. Trust your gut. Trust yourself and be yourself. You are the only you. Astrology is a science, no different than physics or geometry. Its a tool to help you along this amazing journey.


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