Rabbit! Rabbit!

Welcome to June 1st and what an exciting June it is going to be. Why? Because we’ve said so. It’s that simple!

Have you ever heard the expression, Rabbit Rabbit? It’s an old expression that was started, we think, in England. You of course know about the lucky Rabbit’s foot. Well, Rabbit, Rabbit is pretty much the same. It is said every 1st of the month and it’s intent is to ‘Leap us into the future’. That’s what we are doing, leaping into the future with zest and zeal (If you are not then you might want to start looking at that).  And I know what you’re saying already….. “Dave… you don’t get it… my life is hard. I’m sick, my work sucks, I’m in a bad marriage, blah blah blah….” Now, I’m not belittling you. Everybody has problems and issues in life that sometimes seem impossible to deal with. Believe me, I know. Been there, done that. What can you do to change that?


I’ve said it a million times and I’ll probably say it a million more. Pretend. Pretend. Pretend. Or a more grown up way to say it, if you prefer….

Fake it until you make it.

It’s only hard because you said so. From mystics to financial moguls, from preachers to self help guru’s… they’ve all said it. See it first in your mind then you’ll believe it. Now this might be a bunch of hippy guru nonsense to some but the reality of it all is this… When you focus on something and you can see it in your mind then your attitude changes. When your attitude changes then you’ll muster up the motivation to move towards that goal. There is a science behind all of this. Like when you run… how do you feel? You feel great, right? Why do you feel great? Because certain chemicals react in your body. You’ve heard people tell you to visualize before, haven’t you? For myself, before a gig, I visualize the whole show in my head. I see me hitting perfect notes and see the crowd cheering and enjoying the show. When I don’t do this, 9 times out of 10 I’ll have a bad gig. That’s no joke.

We have to see it to be it. If you don’t see yourself as that person you will never be that person.

It’s really that simple.

If you would like some coaching on this, I can help. Set up a Reiki session or a coaching session with me… I’ll come to you or you can come to me, whatever is most comfortable for you.

I’m leaving you today with another song by my friend and mentor, Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith called ‘In This Love Together’.



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