Our Pain is Self-Chosen

Welcome to Thursday, November 9th which is a 3 in Numerology.

The 3 signifies; Youthfulness, Bravery, Passion, and Manifestation. Coupled with today’s card, Meadow, it speaks of vulnerability.

A lot of us sacrifice youthfulness, bravery, passion, and manifestation because of not being able to be vulnerable. Getting out of your box is being vulnerable. Taking risks is vulnerable. Loving someone with all of your heart and soul is vulnerable.

Why aren’t we, or why don’t we allow ourselves to be vulnerable?

We don’t allow ourselves to be vulnerable because the first time we were afraid, naked, unfamiliar, alone… we were scared. Every parent says it to their children when they cry, it’s natural for a Mom to tell her son, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here.” And when that parent isn’t there and they are afraid, that is when the wall goes up. Protecting ourselves because we can’t trust anybody else to take care of us now in this big lonely world.

Being vulnerable, as we grow older… it gets instilled into our deepest subconscious, and after a while, we don’t even know why we are the way we are.

So what would it look like to be vulnerable?

To be vulnerable you need to trust. Yes, trust in your own instincts… but make sure they are your instincts and not something programmed into you. To be vulnerable is to allow it all to flow. Allow yourself to release the reins and know that you are protected. Once you can do this your whole world will change. Change is the only constant.

Embrace it.

Today’s song is; River of Deceit written by the band, Mad Season and sung by moi.

“My Pain is self-chosen. At least I believe it to be.”






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