
Welcome to Sunday, November 5th which is an 8 in Numerology.

If you look at the physical 8 and flip it sideways you will see the infinity symbol. Everything is connected and revolves around each other. The 8 is the great equalizer and is also associated with Career and Finances.

Ganesh is the best known and loved deities in the Hindu pantheon of gods. Ganesh symbolizes overcoming obstacles. When called upon, it is believed that this god clears your path of any obstacles. Whether you believe in these deities or not is not of significance… they are symbols that teach us. In our physical plane, the Elephant is wise and remembers everything.

Whatever you seem to be going through at the moment, know that change is happening. I know I talk a lot about change. I talk about it because it is important. Some of us out there feel so hopeless that we don’t think our lives will ever change, that this is all there is. If we get in this mindset that change is not possible, then we will be fulfilling this prophecy.

Instead of feeling hopeless, look at each obstacle as the universe giving us hints. What do we need to change to make our situation work better for us?

If it is finances, look at your results. Is what you are doing right now earning you your worth? A good way to assess this is to look at your income. If you are a business owner, money is a great indicator of our results. If we’re barely scraping by, why? Do we have the perception that money is bad? That it’s evil? If so, maybe change that thought pattern to… “If I had a 6 figure income I could give 10% of my earnings and help those around me that are scraping by, as I once was.” You can do this with your Career or Relationships as well. Get real with yourself. It might be painful but the future results will pay off.

There is always a positive with every negative. This is the Yin and the Yang.

Today’s song is; Waiting Line by Zero 7. I love this song because to me it represents our current situation in life. Everything is an illusion and if we get caught up in this illusion nothing will seem possible. Feel the dreamy music and let it transform your mood to that of hope.

I am always here to help


#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #psychonaut #ganesh #yes #inthewaitingline #zero7 #lifecoach

The Raven

Today is Saturday, November 4th. Today is a 7 in Numerology

I’d like to apologize for yesterday. I said that yesterday was a 7 when in fact it was a 6.

The 7 is infinite possibilities and in this 11 month (November) we can multiply that. Now I’ll be the first to tell you that what you believe inside of your head is not what those around you believe. Every single person has their own belief system about themselves that drags us down.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Is it something that is programmed into our DNA or is it something as simple as Mommy and Daddy issues? I jest, but there is a serious question here that I struggle with myself.

Do we automatically beat people to the punch by putting ourselves down? Do we do it to get positive reinforcement from others?

The Raven teaches us Magic. As a Totem animal in Native American cultures, it teaches about change, that change is coming when we least expect it. Expect the unexpected and prepare to be amazed. When we are stuck in our head we can’t see any possibilities. That is why the great ones out there, the ones at the top of their game have coaches because they know they can’t see everything. There needs to be an outside perspective. Trust in your guides and your angels to bring forth that perspective to you and just let it flow into your life.

Today’s song is; Ledge by D.N.AD.N.A. (David/Neil/Alex) was a project I did with a few of my European friends. This song is about when I was having one of my manic moments and my roommate Sara talked me down from that state. A perfect example of not being able to see clearly when you’re caught up in your head.



In Futurity

“In futurity
I prophetic see
That the earth from sleep
(Grave the sentence deep)

Shall arise and seek
For her Maker meek:

And the desart wild
Become a garden mild”
– William Blake


Welcome to Full Moon Friday! Today is the 3rd and it’s a 7 in Numerology. The 7 is the thinker, the prophet, the scientist.

There are aspects of the 7 that I can align with. One of them is not taking things at face value. Today, don’t take anything at face value. Some might mesmerize you with their charm but have their own agenda. Instead of seeking something bigger and better, be grateful for the company that you are now keeping.

Start today with the sentence, “I am grateful for…”, and then you will see this desart wild become a garden mild.

Final thoughts: We all have the gift of prophecy, we can profess our own destiny… if you believe.

Today’s song is; If you Believe by Beyond The Labyrinth. I was asked to sing this very inspirational song and I am grateful that I was asked because this is my truth. Enjoy.


I am grateful to be playing with Foundry tonight at The Joint inside of the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino opening for Bret Michaels. Doors open at 8pm and we start Rockin’ at 9pm sharp. Hope to see you there!

#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #singersongwriter #lifecoach #ifyoubelieve #williamblake #foundry #bretmichaels #beyondthelabyrinth #thejoint

How to face your fears

Today is Thursday, November 2nd which is a 5 in Numerology.

The 5 is the number of freedom and change, and if there is one thing you’ve learned from me is that change is the only constant in our lives. Whether we like it or not, whether we are ready or not… here it comes.

The only thing that freaks us out about change is our own fear. The acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.

What does that mean?

It means this… we make up Evidence of our own doubts, of our own short-comings, of our own mental chatter that tells us ‘we aren’t good enough‘ and it creates a false reality around us that stops us dead in our tracks. Fear is nothing more than a mindset. Like being afraid of the dark; The dark is no different than the light other than the fact that you can’t see everything, but if you spent enough time in the dark your eyes would eventually adjust and you’d see that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Facing our fears is not always easy. Most of us have been locking our fears away in a closet for years. And after a long period of time, we don’t even remember what it was that scared us in the first place.

It is time to open that closet door and start rummaging around in there. Start throwing out the things that no longer serve you. Do this both metaphorically and physically. Believe me… once you get the clutter out of your life you will start feeling that sense of freedom that you’ve been longing for because once the fear is gone you will be limitless.

Today’s song is; Fear by Blue Bullet. This was a project I did with some chaps in England while I lived in Colorado.




#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #fear #psychonaut #singersongwriter #reiki #lifecoach

Master Number 22

Rabbit! Rabbit!

Today is Wednesday, November 1st.

Today is a 22, not only is today a 22, but it’s in an 11 month!

Number 22 is the number of the Spiritual Master Builder on the Material Plane. 22 synthesizes and expands the powers of 11. There is four times the power and energy in this vibration so there is four times the strength to use on the Material Plane.

And… (oh boy this is good)

Today’s card is Merlin! Energy Healing!

I can’t make this stuff up folks. Today, of all days is the day to manifest all of your dreams. Take all doubts and throw them out the window. Take that leap of faith that EVERYTHING is perfect and that all of your prayers can and will be answered.

Whether you believe it or not, you are right. 🙂

Our egos have a way of convincing us that this is good enough. The ego is completely comfortable where it is because to venture out of our comfort zone is not knowing. It is ok to not know everything. We see this in religion. Masses believing so fully in a book that they will kill and die for it. What if we could treat ourselves like we do any of these religious texts?

Today’s song is; With the Beating of Your Heart by Rage of Angels. I wrote the lyrics and sang this song while sitting on the beach in Marina Del Rey, California. After years of performing, writing, singing, pouring my heart out on stage… this was my first real break in music and I am eternally grateful to Ged Rylands for giving this to me. I hope you enjoy it as others have. It is my truth.











#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki#singersongwriter #lifecoach #psychonaut#11 #22 #masternumber11 #masternumber22 #withthebeatingofyourheart #rageofangels

Piercing the Veil

Happy Samhain, or Halloween!

Today is Tuesday, Oct. 31st which is a 6 in Numerology. The 6 is Gaia, Mother Earth, the nurturer.

Today is also the day where the veil is the thinnest between this world and the spirit world.

The Shaman works with Mother Earth and the Spirit world to heal our spiritual wounds.

How have your dreams been in the past few days? Are you waking up restless? If you are, it might be that your spirit guides are working overtime… healing your spiritual wounds. The more you work on your spirituality on this side, the less they have to do on the other side. Equate it to someone fumbling around unconsciously as someone picks up the pieces behind them. The ones picking up the pieces behind you are your guides trying to maintain the direction that YOU chose before coming down here. The more you delve into your spirituality, the more you will recognize this.

Are you fumbling around? Lost on your path and not sure what your path actually is?

Every single one of us has a path that we have chosen before coming down here. Today is a good day to ask your guides to lead you towards your path. And if you already know the path you are on, ask them to clear it for you so that there are less stumbling blocks in front of you. We all fall down. The true test—Are you willing to get back up time and time again?

Today the veil is thinnest. Take advantage of this time.

Today’s song is called ‘All Fall Down’ from a band I sang for when living in Los Angeles. The band was ‘The Constant‘.


“And we all fall down flat on our faces, trippin’ over our shoelaces every God damned day. And though I’ve been down more than I care to say. Tomorrow just might be a better day.”


#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson#singersongwriter #lifecoach #samhain#shaman #oraclecards #reiki

Unconditional Love

Welcome to Mon., Oct. 30th which is a 5 in Numerology.

The 5 represents the 5 senses. All of our senses want to experience everything this life has to give us. Taste, touch, smell, seeing and hearing. The 5 esoterically will delve into the 6th sense around special people. Everything and anything is within the grasp of this energy.

With the combination of today’s card; Unconditional Love. They are both telling us that there is nothing on this earth plane that we can do that would make the Universe turn its back on us.

We are the only ones that put conditions on ourselves. It’s part of living in this unconscious world and believing that this is all that there is that makes us recede into those dark spaces—hiding from our true, authentic self. Afraid that the world will not accept us for who we really are so we put on a mask.

Today is a perfect day to not give a damn. It’s a day to test the waters and allow ourselves to show our true feathers.

Let your freak flag fly!

You will be surprised by how many others follow your lead and wave their banners high as well. And those that turn their nose up at you? Just know that deep within them, they are scared, just as you once were. Send them love. Send them unconditional love and pray that they might test the waters as well.

Today’s song of the day is ‘Colorful’ by the Verve Pipe.









#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #psychonaut #hippielife #onceamarinealwaysamarine #lifecoach #singersongwriter #unconditionallove #longhair