Newborn Awakening

Welcome to Sunday, December 17th which is a 3 in Numerology.

Today’s card is The Fool and the number 3 is known as The Joker. Don’t be fooled by this though (pun totally intended). The 3 is the trine; mind, body, spirit. The Fool is like a newborn child in all of its naiveté… not stupid or aloof, but anew. A child has not yet been indoctrinated into the world of illusion. He/She is innocent and wide-eyed to the world around them. Open to all possibilities.

This is where we are today. Yesterday we mentioned getting rid of the old crap in our lives, the belief systems that we’ve built up around us. The beat-up mode or the narcissist. All learned traits from being hurt. All of that is wiped out today as if it never happened.

Today… look at everything around you as a child does. See the beauty in everything. Look at your partner in a new unconditioned light. Remind yourself that everything that you have seen prior to today came with a precognition… a false precognition, mind you because your supposed ‘esp’ was nothing more than what you’ve made up in your head about everything and everyone you’ve seen because of learned patterns.

I will use one of my favorite singer/songwriters as a prime example here; Jim Morrison. As aloof as he was, as childlike as he seemed… there was a deep knowledge within this Fool that most never tap into.

No More Patterns!

Today’s song is; Peace Frog by The Doors.

“Indian’s scattered on dawn’s highway bleeding, ghosts crowd the young child’s fragile eggshell mind.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

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