I Love My Life

Every once in a while we all get down. It’s a part of life. If we never had our down days we would never appreciate the good days. It’s just the way it is, the Ying and Yang of it all. When we’re young we don’t quite understand this as much, the world is too chaotic and mysterious. I remember a lot of my youth and I remember how it sucked so bad or it was super awesome. There was no in between but as I’ve gotten older I look at the down times a little differently, now they are momentary pieces in time, knowing full well that the good times will soon come around.

It took years to get to this point though, and it wasn’t easy, not because its not easy but because I wouldn’t allow it. It was ‘impossible’. I have a much different attitude about that now. Anything is possible. Yes, ANYTHING. Don’t get me wrong… the Ego still trips me up from time to time. We’re only human.

I love my life. I love the ups and downs of it. It has made me who I am now and I am grateful for it. There are times when people are talking about their experiences and I just want to pipe in and tell them its going to be ok because I’ve experienced exactly what they have…. but I can’t. If I do I’ll sound like a know-it-all or a bit pompous. They need to figure it out themselves.

A little lesson for you know-it-alls out there…. nobody wants your advice unless they’ve asked for it. Believe me. I’ve been that guy. It only pisses them off and then they avoid you. Best to just smile and nod your head. 🙂

I write about this in one of the Electric Messiah songs. The song is called ‘Tell Me’. I’ll be singing it tonight at the House of Blues. The chorus goes like this…

‘You’ll come around when you can’.

Basically what it means is that you can’t come around until you’ve lived through it and you’ll probably go through it again and again and again if you ignore it and DON’T live through it. We tend to ignore a lot in our lives because we’re afraid. But if we just breath and let it flow through we’ll look back and say to ourselves, “I’m glad I went through that because now I know what I don’t want in my life and in the future I’ll recognize that.” Well, in theory I’m hoping you’re thinking that. A lot of people don’t. They ignore it and just play the victim instead of recognizing that they, in fact, created all of this themselves.

As a dear friend and mentor said to me one day, “Dave. Who’s always there when these things happen?”.



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