Light attracts light.

Be alert. The world needs more Lerts.

One of my favorite sayings and a bumper sticker that I used to have eons ago. The 8 of Disks is telling us to be alert for all of the opportunities that come up around us. Be aware and allow the worlds energy to flow around us and to not attach ourselves to unnecessary people or things. I know that in my past I would see something shiny and I would attach myself to it. I used this example with a new friend of mine…

We are lightbulbs in a world of moths. The moths being the mindless creatures that are looking for something outside of themselves.

Spoiler – There is nothing outside of ourselves. Anything outside of ourselves is ‘perceived’. It’s made up from our conditioning over years of abuse, self-doubt, addiction… and the list goes on.

I was telling a dear friend this morning that I am studying along this journey across the United States, non-attachment. I am determined to ‘allow’ the Universe/God/Source to provide all that I need, when I need it. Am I scared? Who wouldn’t be? All the demons and subconscious programming are full on in my face as we speak, and yet I am determined to ‘allow’.

In this picture you see me with a young girl. This is an example of ‘allowing’. Yesterday I stayed at an Airbnb in El Paso, Texas. This Airbnb is usually booked solid but for some reason it was opened to me for the day that I was to be there. Her name is Adria Gonzalez. She is half Hopi Indian and half Mexican. She is a survivor of the shootings in El Paso and also helped lead people to safety. Her selfless act and her light I believe gravitated us together to remind us that no matter what the distance is, light attracts light.


#followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

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