I want to break free!

Welcome to Thursday, June 7th which is a 6 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Princess of Wands.

I release my fears and allow myself to be filled with confidence and self trust.

We all have fears, habits, routines that we look at as debilitating in our lives. Sometimes we don’t know where they stem from and sometimes we know exactly where they come from.

Today is a good day to pinpoint the issue that has been holding you back for years and start peeling back the layers of the onion. It means sitting with yourself alone, quietly without any distractions. Grab a paper and pencil and start writing down what you are feeling as you get closer to it. You’ll know you are getting closer when you start getting uncomfortable. This might be something that you hid away in your subconscious.

Recognize that whatever it is you did at that time for a reason. It served you then. Acknowledge it and forgive yourself. Whatever it was; drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. Know that you did it to block something painful at the time.

Today’s energy of the 6 is helping you. This energy is telling you that you will gain information from invisible forces, that your dreams and meditation can guide you to pinpoint whatever it is that is hold you back.

Be ok with being free of this because you are here for a reason. Like George Bailey in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. We are all entwined on this earth and we all have an effect on each other.

Today’s song is ‘I want to break free’ by Queen.

“I want to break free! I want to break free from your lies.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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