Following your intuition

I’ve written about this before in the past but as I learn more and more about our gut feelings, our intuition, I start to understand that following our thinking mind is the last thing we want to do.

Our thinking mind, our ego, is put in place to crunch numbers, to give us the tools for motor functions, such as limbs, speech, work tasks, etc. But what about the gut, and the heart? They have been doing research now that suggests that we have a second heart in our gut, per se, called the enteric nervous system. It is such a vast area equal to the heart and pretty much runs itself. So, when people tell you to follow your gut, it means a LOT more than you think.

I’ll leave you to look up the scientific information… I’m not here to convince you of that but I am here to tell you about my experience throughout the years.

A few weeks ago I was offered a gig back in California, it’s a one-off that might not amount to much more than doing the gig… well, at first I consulted a few of my intuitive friends to get their input that was very helpful but not essential because I had already made up my mind to go forward with it.

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