
If you are feeling a shortage of time or money, your best effort would be to focus upon better-feeling thoughts, and do more things that make you feel good. Your time is a perceptual thing, and even though the clock is ticking the same for everyone, your alignment affects your perception, as well as the results that you allow. As you observe the enormous differences in the effort that people apply and the results they achieve, you have to conclude that there is more to the equation of achieving than action alone. — Abraham

This past month has been quite the rollercoaster. Let me tell you what I did to get off of it.

I’ve had my days where I was completely down in the dumps questioning everything. Why am I here? Who am I ‘really’? What is my soul purpose? What the hell am I doing here in L.A.? You name it, my head was swimming in this fog. And no matter what I did it kept getting worse. My days became a paralysis of nothing. Sitting here and thinking about what was ‘wrong’. This went on for a little more than a week, er, maybe a bit longer. It was crazy.

The final straw was when I got a call from the Country Band telling me that it just wasn’t working out. Humiliation!! Getting kicked out of a Country Band? OK… truth be told… it was a relief. My heart wasn’t in it and I was grueling over it. I was hyper-focused on what I didn’t have. Money. I was in it for the money alone. Not for my love of country music. Nothing against country music, nor its fans. It’s just not my calling.

See the pattern? I was completely focused on what I didn’t have. On what was lacking in my life instead the incredible beauty in my life. I have a gorgeous girlfriend, a supportive family, a roof over my head, my health, great friends AND I have my voice. And I DO have music projects going on. Everything is moving and progressing forward perfectly. Maybe not as fast as I would like, but that is just EGO telling me that because it isn’t happening now it will never happen. BOLOGNE!

Rev. Cheryl Ward mentions about ‘Microwaving’. We want everything NOW. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe now doesn’t serve you? That its quite possible that the gestation period of whatever manifestation you are trying to manifest needs time?

And you know what that time is?

It’s not that it can’t happen instantaneously. It can. But we don’t believe it. And we aren’t in the mindset to take advantage of it, nor appreciate it. Sometimes we are. But most times we are not. That’s why that quote above is so important. We have to focus upon better-feeling thoughts, and do more things that make us feel good. And honestly. It was within a blink of an eye when the transformation happened.

Yesterday was magic! Everything just fell into place. And I started to notice the pattern. The days where I’m flying high, feeling great and not worried about the outcome are the days where I get those phone calls, where I get those emails.

Its so fricken easy it’s silly.

So. Feel Good. Focus on right NOW. Focus on something, anything but the lack in your life.


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