
I’ve taken on a bit more than I can chew right at this moment which isn’t always a bad thing. That is why you haven’t seen my daily blog in a couple of days.

One thing I’ve been doing while running around is noticing what my focus has been on. My focus has been on the task at hand. Not my bills, not my weight, nothing but the task at hand.

You see, when you’re busy, you are focused. And when you’re focused your mind is clear. And when your mind is clear you allow spirit to flow through you, align your Chakras, which gives you new insights about who you are. Meditation comes in all forms. It’s not necessary to sit in the lotus position (which I still can’t do properly) to achieve this Zen state.

Focus is the key.

Listen to this great song done by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith from his CD ‘Transcendance‘. The song is called ‘U R The Answer‘ and in it he states….

And then there is this thing called focus
This willingness and ability to stay the course
To be so focused on that which is Real
To be so focused on that which is Eternal

What are you focused on that is NOT real? Something to ponder today as you go about your business.

I encourage you to listen to the whole album. It’s quite inspirational and quite an honor to have been part of his community at Agape when I lived in L.A.. Here is the link for you…

I’m heading out once again this morning to align my Chakras 🙂

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