
I don’t watch the news… I haven’t for years. I know that news will travel to me via word of mouth. It always does. I listen to both sides of whatever the story is that travels to me and then base my own interpretation on what that story may be. The only saying is the truth… There’s your side of the story, my side of the story and then there is the truth. In my last blog I wrote about ‘truth’ and that ‘truth’ is a very individual interpretation. I don’t believe that we ever get anywhere when we say that something is ‘wrong’. We can only come to a conclusion when we acknowledge that something doesn’t work for everybody. Please feel free to read that blog if you want a deeper understanding. You can find it here. My only reason for even bringing this up is because of all of the news that has traveled to me about what happened in Dallas.

What I am not going to do here is get into what has already been said by the media. There are plenty of people that will give their opinions. What I will do is give my opinion on why I think it happened.

I can’t speak about being oppressed, or being a minority. I can’t speak of constantly looking over my shoulder ready to be blamed for something. I am a WASP. A white anglo-saxon Protestant. At least I was born that way. When they say that the world is your oyster… quite literally it is for me here in America. I don’t have money, fame or any of the things that I strive for… but I do have the potential to have all of that with no obstacles in my way except for what obstacles I create myself. It’s because I’m white. Now my Black, Hispanic and Native American brothers don’t have the freedom that I do. They are always getting looked at as a potential threat. I can never know how they truly feel, so I won’t even speculate, nor judge.

If we look back in history we had Martin Luther King, a peaceful protester and leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Despite all of the obstacles in his way he knew that Hate vs. Hate will only breed more Hate. The only way to balance it was with Love. Martin Luther King was killed for what he believed in. A very powerful man who influences me, this white man, to this very day. On the other side were the Black Panthers. The side that believed that they could only bring peace through other methods. Who was ‘right’ and who was ‘wrong’? Again, as I’ve stated, I don’t believe in ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, but what works and what doesn’t work. People do what they do because that is what ‘works’ for them at the time. That struggle is still going on today. I have white friends who will tell me that the black people should just get over it already. My blatant reply to them? Fuck You. Until you can walk in their shoes shut your fucking mouth.

So what do I believe? I believe that it’s all F.E.A.R.: False Evidence Appearing Real.

A percentage of people out there still don’t want equal rights. Hell, there is still a KKK out there. Baffles my mind really. But I know that it is out of F.E.A.R.. These people are afraid. Afraid of what? I don’t know… I’ve never talked to one. But I have talked to several people who are afraid. It’s inbred I believe. We learn our F.E.A.R.. We aren’t born with it, it is passed down from generation to generation. The only way to break the mold is to live our lives the way that we want to without letting F.E.A.R. stop us. If your parents are prejudice it is more than likely that you will be as well unless you step away… assess your own feelings and move forward.

A number of years back, when I lived in Colorado, I wrote a song with some friends in England. I called the song F.E.A.R.. Listen to it and read the words. F.E.A.R. is an individual response and the only way to conquer it is through love and doing what you were mean’t to do on this planet. I don’t believe that there is any other way… at least not in my reality.

David Reed Watson

What’s the confusion? What’s the solution?
What’s the conclusion to a life un-lived?
Who do you turn to when your world becomes un-glued?
Follow your passion and align your dreams

Aggravation to adulation
You get what you ask for (Sometimes in extremes)

It’s just F.E.A.R. that keeps you here
You control your situation
Meditate, don’t hesitate
Clarity will wipe that F.E.A.R. away

Constant attention, and forward momentum
Keeps the addiction from coming to light
Look at your feelings, they are there for a reason
Give yourself meaning to a meaningless life

Aggravation to adulation
You get what you ask for in this world of dreams

It’s just F.E.A.R. that keeps you here
You control your situation
Meditate, don’t hesitate
Clarity will wipe that F.E.A.R. away

Meditation is my medication





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