Come on, Get Happy!

Welcome to Friday, July 20th which is an 11 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the 9 of Cups.

Follow your bliss!

What are you doing with your life? Are you happy? If not, why?

Today’s energy of the 11, the Master Number is telling us to look at things with a different perspective, a different angle. Sometimes the way we’ve been looking at things becomes so mundane that we forget to look at it in a different light.

Today would be a great day to go outside and start to notice things differently. In the past you’ve had the same neighbors motorcycle pass by you while you’re out walking the dog, it scares the dog and you curse the rider in your head for being so loud in the morning. Instead, maybe watch it pass and recognize the color of it, do you even know? Look at the rider, is he smiling? I’m sure those loud pipes make him feel safer around cars. Or maybe when you rise in the morning recognize your home… is it cozy? Do you feel safe in it?

The point being, there are so many things around us that can make us smile if we choose to look at the beauty in it, or we can choose to blindly pass it all by. It’s our choice.

But wouldn’t you rather choose happiness?

Today’s song is ‘Come on get Happy’ from The Partridge Family.

“Hello world, here’s a song that we’re singin. Come on, get happy.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at or fill out the form below.

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