Breathe Deep!

Rabbit Rabbit!

Welcome to Sunday, April 1st which is a 7 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Prince of Wands. He wants it all and he wants it now but combined with today’s 7 energy of silence and introspection it might be a struggle.

I’ve been gone for 2 months and now that I am home, relaxed, unpacked… I am restless. My body hasn’t stopped from the constant hustle. I’ve been to over 30 cities and 4 countries in the last two months so it’s very hard for my body to stop, but I need to go within and ‘know’ that everything I’ve done will bear fruit.

Seeing results needs to come from inside first. We have to ‘know’, we have to ‘feel’… it has to become ‘real’ inside of us before it can become real on the outside.

Do you need proof?

Every physical thing on this Earth started as an idea first. It didn’t just pop into existence. It was a thought, and as they say in the spiritual movement… ‘Thought Manifests Reality’.

So today… relax. Nothing needs to be done. There is nowhere you need to go. It’s already been done and you’ve already been gone.

Trust that everything is perfect and everything happens for a reason and that Father/Mother/God has our back.

Today’s song is Who Loves you Baby by Michael Bernard Beckwith.

“Stop trying to fix yourself. Start to see yourself.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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