Being Held Accountable

Being Held Accountable

I was having a conversation here at the house with a friend about this subject just the other day, and that inspired me to write a little bit about it. I’ve mentioned to you before that I believe everything happens for a reason and that I don’t believe in ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ but what works and what doesn’t work. A scientist would say, cause=effect. I agree for the most part. For every action there is a reaction. The Yin and the Yang. You can’t have one without the other, at least in the Universe we live in right at this moment. So how does this equate when something happens to you which causes an effect? Let’s say, you were abused as a child and therefore the rest of your life you don’t trust anybody. How can you be held accountable for that? It’s a touchy subject, I know, but we, as human beings, once we hit a certain age, have a choice. We can choose to be the victim or we can choose to let go of the past. When we don’t let go of the past, it becomes a crutch. And that crutch we use to make an excuse for why we are the way we are. It’s an easier road to follow because then we don’t have to be held accountable. People can say, “Oh poor so-and-so, he’s that way because of ‘blank’.” It’s a free pass that a lot of people take. Some of these people don’t even know that they are playing the victim, because whatever happened to them in their childhood is buried deep in their subconscious.

So how do we recognize this?

Follow the patterns. Is there a default, go to, when something goes wrong? Do you get to a certain plateau and then sabotage yourself? Start looking for these signs, and once you recognize these patterns you can start putting together the puzzle. Because once you recognize these patterns you can start to change them. Don’t give up on yourself and just say that this is who you are… because it is not. We were all born perfect but we were not all born with the perfect circumstances. Some have had more challenging lives than others, I agree. But that doesn’t give you an excuse to play the Victim. I’m a firm believer that we are all here for a reason. Each one of us touches each others lives.

So what can you do to change it?

As I stated above… recognize the patterns and when you start to follow that pattern stop yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you follow through, just recognize it and make a mental note. As time goes on it will become easier and easier to curb the pattern. Look at our brains like grooves in a record. The needle will always follow that groove unless you skip the record, keep skipping the record in the same spot and you will cut a new groove. Get with a hypnotist and maybe you can get to the heart of the matter more effectively. It might trigger some memory and you’ll have an ‘Ah Ha’ moment. Get a Reiki session with me… energy work does wonders.

In summary…

Being held accountable for our actions on a global scale can stop wars. There are too many people pointing fingers and blaming others instead of looking in the mirror and recognizing that they are a part of the problem. On a smaller scale, in your own community, crime wouldn’t exist because none of us could do that to another. Moses said it best, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” If we all followed that one sentence it would change this world completely.




A copy of this blog can be found in new issue of the Sin City Presents Magazine.

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