Being a Spiritual ‘Be’ing

What does being a spiritual ‘be’ing mean?

For some reason people think that being a Spiritual ‘be’ing means that you’re perfect. How can you teach if you are not perfect? Well, for starters, nobody is perfect. Yep. I said it. NOBODY is perfect. Here’s the kicker… You could never be a good teacher had you of not made mistakes. The bigger the mistakes, the better the teacher. That is if you learn from your mistakes.

Being a spiritual ‘be’ing doesn’t mean that you don’t get mad or down on yourself from time to time. The difference between someone that is enlightened as apposed to someone who is not is this…. The enlightened person has it happen less and less frequently and for shorter periods of time. Please don’t take this as I’m better than you. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying that I have the tools to better myself and I don’t play the victim. Well, at least not for long.

Let me give you an example…

I’ve been waiting for my income tax return, and again, like always it gets taken away from me for back taxes that I owe. From previous bad mistakes I’ve made. What is the first thing I did? Well, like anybody would, or at least what I did…. ok, forget it. I did this….

“I am such an idiot. I will never get ahead. This always happens to me.”

Well, that lasted for about 5 minutes until I took a deep breath, and said to myself, “You created this, you can fix it.” Yes, I created this debt and I know that now I can fix it, and will fix it. I will learn from my mistakes. There. Done. I am not my past, nor are you.


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