As Within, So Without

As Within, So Without.
Your outside world is really an exact reflection of your inner world. This is how your lessons on Earth are presented to you.

I’ve been in Colorado for the last several days visiting family and friends, it’s been really nice and I’ve had some time to stare at the mountains and center myself. I used to do this every day when I lived here. I would take even just one moment to sit on the porch and bask in their awe. I also did this when I lived in Marina Del Rey, only then it was the beach. I’ve found it difficult to do in Las Vegas to be quite honest. Nothing against anybody in Vegas, I think it’s just the fact that I’m so busy now that I don’t take advantage of those moments like I used to. Well… that will be my New Years Resolution. I’m going to make those moments happen where ever I am.

So… why do we need this time to center ourselves? Have you heard the expression, As Within, So Without? How we feel inside reflects how we see the world around us, and what we see in ourselves is what we see in the world. A very simple theory, but there are a lot of people out there today that are trying to find something outside of themselves to make them happy. Take it from somebody that has tried that route… it ain’t happenin’. You see… if we’re not happy there is absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing outside of ourselves that will make us happy. Yes, you might get a temporary ‘fix’ but you’ll go back to the same feeling once that ‘fix’ has come and gone. There are a dozen quotes I could throw at you about this that will mean absolutely nothing to you if you feel like crap. You’ll look at me and say, ‘You have no idea how I feel and all of this hippy dippy shit means nothing to me.’ I get it. Believe me, I get it. There are so many self help people out there that say similar things and it seems so Pollyanna at times and can be a huge turnoff to someone who is on the border of depression. On a good note… you’re going to find one of those self help people that you can relate to eventually. Someone with the same circumstances, that isn’t perfect and has been in your shoes. It will happen if you look. It might be a book you stumble upon, or someone you start talking to in a coffee shop, or it might even be me. Who knows unless you take that baby step and give it a shot. What can it hurt?

I mentioned that my New Years Resolution was to take those moments to center myself wherever I may be. What will your New Years Resolution be? Isn’t it finally time to stand up for yourself? Take that stand because you are special. You might not believe it right at this moment, but start giving of yourself, taking time for yourself, meditating alone and eventually someone will come up to you and let you know what a difference you’ve made to their life. I have been in your shoes and once I started giving of myself miracles started happening. I stopped looking outside of myself for the answers. I stopped looking to others to make myself happy. No longer did I need anybody to tell me how special I was just to pacify my ego. I feel it myself and you will too. There are days where I feel needy, everybody does. But those moments are very few and far between now.

As I write this two great men have passed away. Two men who lived by their own rules and who believed in themselves. They didn’t care what people thought of them nor did they beg for attention. These two men would have passed away in obscurity had they not the fortitude to center themselves and know their own power. You wouldn’t know the names Meadowlark Lemon nor Lemmy Kilmister had they not lived their own lives.

What will your legacy be?




A copy of this blog can be found in new issue of the Sin City Presents Magazine.


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