22 – The Master Builder

The Master Number 22 symbolizes the principle of precision and balance.  When it senses its full capacity as a ‘Master Builder’, it can achieve what is hardly imaginable.  The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams a reality.  It is potentially the most successful of all numbers.

Today Electric Messiah and myself head into the studio over at Count’s Desert Moon. Michael will be laying down the drums, the foundation of who we are, and the rest of us will be playing along live with him. Last night I had a dream that we did this all in one take. Each of us set up in our appropriate corners, me in a vocal booth, the most isolated of them all. We’ve done these songs live only a dozen times but each time we do them we form them into what they really should be. Today will be that day where they become history. For everyone that has watched and waited for this for the past year it is now time to release that breath and breathe a sigh of relief and accomplishment that they have all been a part of this growth.

My Facebook Challenge

As I head into the studio today I’ve also decided to check out of facebook. As much as I love chatting with everyone around the world I also find it exhausting. I miss the interaction of the flesh and bone. I miss sitting around a fire and talking about life, dreams, goals. I find a difference in telling people face to face about things without them reading it on facebook. Facebook is a great tool, but that is all it is. It is a tool. A tool to relay information so that when you do see these people you can elaborate on that information. The Catch 22 (There’s that power number again) is that it is a great tool to bring people closer, especially if your family is on the other side of the country. The flip side of that is getting caught up in unnecessary drama. Something I can do without in my life. I leave those ‘drama queens’ with love and light that they might someday look in the mirror and realize that they are what they create. And I do mean this with every heartfelt intention towards them. We all know that we have played the ‘drama queen’ and victim in our lives. It’s part of growing. The Ying and the Yang.

There is enough technology in this world to still reach me. Shoot me an email or text or even call for that matter.

Please continue following my blog. I promise this isn’t a goodbye. This is more of a ‘Hello. I’m Dave and this is who I really am.’

Live. Love. Be.



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