The Voice Audition

A friend suggested around the beginning of the year that I put in audition videos for The Voice and other such programs. So I figured, why not? Right? So I submitted a video of me singing. Low and behold! I got a confirmation to audition on March 31st at 2pm in Burbank!!! Woo Hoo!

If I could get all of you to help me pick out a song to do for the audition. One that showcases my range, style, etc. it would be much appreciated. I’ll be working on this myself. I was thinking of doing Leonard Cohens ‘Hallelujah’ but it might be a bit slow. Not sure yet. I’ll have to play around with it.

Several years ago I auditioned for Rockstar:Supernova. And although I wasn’t chosen it was a great experience. I stood in line for over 5 hours! When I finally made it to the stage they were overwhelmed with people and only allowed us to sing a verse and a chorus. Back then I sang Audioslave’s ‘Be Yourself’.

If any of you have auditioned for The Voice I would love to talk to you about your experience.
Hit me up!


New Years Affirmation

What is the difference between an affirmation and a resolution?

According to the Merriam-Webster an affirmation is something that is affirmed; a statement or proposition that is declared to be true.

A Resolution is the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones.

New Years Day

My friends and I were in the kitchen chopping vegetables for our New Years Day breakfast. We started talking about manifestation. What does it really mean? And is it really possible?
I told them about something I had learned years ago in a seminar called ‘Abundance and Prosperity’. I then asked them to try a little experiment when they were ready for bed. And I encourage you to try this experiment as well.

Focus on finding a dollar bill. Not in your wallet or in your car, house, etc… but actually finding one on the street or on the floor in the grocery store. Anywhere really. As long as it wasn’t previously in your possession.

They agreed to this with a ‘why not’ gesture. What can it hurt? Right? My next question for everybody was this,

“What if finding $15,000 was as easy as finding a dollar?”

I mean really, whats the difference between a dollar and $15,000 to the Universe? Chump change. The only difference is this. We don’t believe its possible because things just don’t pop up out of thin air. Or do they?

Why not?

I mean, when I was a kid we had a home phone with a cord on it. And we had to rotate a dial for each number. God forbid you had a number with a few 8s, 9s or Zeros. Exhausting. And look at us now. We’ve got these little iphones that we can place a call virtually anywhere and even text people or play games on them. Unheard of! It’s like Star Trek!

Now I know what you’re saying… there was an evolution to the basic Bell phone to the iPhone. I agree. There was. How about this then? Ever notice that when you just let go everything seems to come to you when you need it? Be it a friend with a kind word, or that check in the mail that came right at the perfect time for you to pay a bill? How does that happen?

After our amazing breakfast we then brainstormed about our intentions for the coming year. What was it that we wanted? Individually and collectively, and how could we support one another? It’s an amazing thing when you state your intentions out loud. It’s like signing a lease. All the fears and anxieties are right there in your face. Can’t back out now. You’re committed.
We took a long walk on the beach, enjoying the beauty of where we live here in Southern California. Each one of us stated our intentions.

Focusing as if it had already happened.

See. I believe that is the key. You have to feel it. You have to pretend that it has already happened. Quite exciting really. When you open up and pretend, just like you did when you were a little kid. The fantasy of having everything you want happen already happening?
One of our friends was a little stuck on the idea. “But how? How can this happen?” Don’t concentrate on the how. Let the Universe handle that.

A seed was planted in my head from that morning about the difference between One Dollar and $15,000. I figured why not let that be my first affirmation of the year? So, I created my affirmation to have $15,000 by January 29th. How is this going to happen? I’m not exactly sure how. Why will it happen? Because I believe that it will. And I’ll keep you up to date on my progress throughout this month.

Below are a few affirmations you might want to try yourself. To kind of change your internal programming about money.

I earn $10,000 a month doing things I love and enjoy. I love having money. I love spending money on my favorite causes. I love giving money away. I love the freedom of having money. I live in an abundant universe. I always have everything I really need. I am the source of my abundance. I accept prosperity and abundance into my life. People honor and value my work. All the money I spend helps others and comes back to me multiplied. I am grateful for all the money I have and earn. I am open to receive money. I give generously to myself and others. I am generous. I feel great about all the money I spend.