Queen of Wands

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Todays card is the Queen of Wands. This is about nurturing ourselves by recognizing where we are, who we are, and what we are doing.

Take some time to meditate and hone in on the areas that you think aren’t working for you. I’ve mentioned previously that life is not linear. Imagine all the aspects of yourself in a circle, as if it’s a pie chart. Each slice of the pie is an aspect of you. Is your pie whole or are there pieces missing? We have true balance when the pie is complete.

There is a saying, ‘What you resist persists’. Take one of the aspects of that pie chart above that isn’t filled. Are you focusing too much on what is working? I’m not saying to disregard what is working, you need to focus on what is working… definitely. What I’m saying here is that the part that isn’t working is ALWAYS there in the back of your mind eating away at you. For instance… let’s say one of the pie pieces is ‘limiting beliefs’. You’ve had a limiting belief about yourself but you ignore it hoping that someday you will believe in yourself, but somehow this limiting belief seeps into another aspect of the pie, let’s take relationships… that limiting belief is going to effect your relationships until you fix that issue.

How do I fix this issue?

I’m just using ‘limiting belief’ as an example of one of the missing pie pieces… replace this with whatever aspect isn’t working.

Focus on that area… meditate on it. Start peeling back the onion layer further and further until you get to the core of that ‘limiting belief’. Where did it start? Do you remember? If you can’t remember keep peeling. Ask for answers. Believe that answers will come.

When you are finished meditating have a pad of paper next to you and start writing. Don’t think about what you are writing, allow your subconscious to do it for you. Let it flow…

After you’ve done 3 or more pages look back at it. Read what it says. There will be some key words in there that might open up some old thoughts or feelings that you weren’t able to tap into earlier. Do this every day until you get to the root of this issue. Then move on to the next.

Remind yourself not to go into beat-up mode. You are perfect just the way you are, you just need a little guidance to give you better direction.


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The Ten of Wands

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Todays card is the Ten of Wands.

Out with the old, in with the new.

With yesterday’s 999 Portal which was all about cleaning the slate it is telling us to finally wipe it all away. Get rid of all of the old stuff. You might have been doing the work but there is still some residue left over that might bog down your mind from time to time.

What would it look like for you to finally be rid of old patterns, addictions, people, all of which don’t serve you? Sometimes we hang on to old groups of people because we only wish to remember the good times. Take a piece of paper out and write down the good and the bad, not just of the people in your life, but of the patterns and addictions. Are you still learning something from them or are they hindering your growth?

Following a spiritual path is not easy. We’re always going to have people in our lives there to remind us of who we are, but that isn’t true… they are reminding us of who we WERE because they can’t let go. And again, it might be you that can’t let go either?

Take a leap of faith and purge yourself of these people, habits, addictions, whatever they may be and start surrounding yourself with people, places, things that lift you up to be the best person that you can be.

I know what you are saying right now… “But Dave…” There are no buts. The only butt is behind you.

Again, take the leap of faith. It’s scary as fuck, but do it anyway. You’re worth it.


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Prince of Disks

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Ah… the Prince of Disks. My friend and companion. My constant reminder that balance is necessary.

When I’m focused on a goal I get into the [bad] habit of hyper-focusing and not taking the time to ‘smell the roses’. In my head I have it all mapped out and will stubbornly stick to it until the task is completed. Probably why I was such a good worker in the workforce before I made the decision to put music first. Somehow (probably from habit) I do the same thing with music. For instance, right now we are creating an album so I’m in the writing and recording mode. I haven’t been out on my bicycle or taken a hike in a week or more. My bicycle sits in the kitchen pouting as I walk past her as if she is saying, “When are we going to play?”. Balance is essential in the creative process and when we are out of balance that is when blocks set in. Even though we feel we are on a time crunch we must take that time to rejuvenate. We must take that time to pay attention to others, listen to them, understand them… otherwise we will truly be alone.

I teach that everything we do is a mirror. When we are neglecting others we are neglecting ourselves.
Today, take some time to smell the roses. Tell somebody you love them, or at least like them and appreciate them. The task that you are doing will still be there. Remember… our life is not work alone.


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The Four of Cups

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Today’s card is the 4 of Cups.

There is a lot to this card. They call it the Lord of Luxury. It talks about becoming stagnant in different areas of your life.

I’ll start off with spirituality. If we tend to get too deep into our meditation practice, seclusion, contemplation… the water of life doesn’t flow. Loneliness settles in. We’ve gone so deep into our heads that we’ve got to get out there in the world and truly experience why we are here. We are here to experience, to love, be loved, and to share our gifts with the world.

This brings us to love. What aspects of your life are you not allowing love in? I understand this all too well right now. My last relationship ended 4 or so months ago. Although people have entered my life since then I have put up a ‘Do Not Enter’ sign to protect myself.
This is understandable to an extent. What I mean is that I was blocking ALL love, mostly because love equated sex. Twisted, I know… but when you come from a family that barely wants to pat you on the back, affection feels foreign. I’ve mentioned before that is why I’m more comfortable on stage hidden behind a microphone than off stage, naked to the world.

I’ve realized now that receiving love doesn’t mean you have to sleep with that person, or be in a relationship with them.
The art of giving and receiving is the lesson we must learn here. Receiving is important but all too often people give EXPECTING something in return, and vise versa.

Today, get out in the world. Get out of your shell. Go hug somebody just for the sake of allowing them to receive love, and allowing yourself to give of yourself. It might be scary, but do it anyway. You can meditate until the cows come home but getting out and experiencing is what your spiritual practice is all about.


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The Hermit

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Today’s card is The Hermit.

This card is about going within.
I spend a lot of time alone over here in the UK writing songs, thinking, contemplating, learning, figuring myself out. Those that have become closest to me have seen my ups and downs.
When we are in this state of reflection there seems to be more downs than ups, but growth isn’t easy. Growth is recognizing your flaws and honing in on them, understanding why they are there and purging those things that no longer serve you.

There is so much going on in the world right now. Trump, Brexit, Hurricanes, the Amazon burning, Global Warming… it all can get a bit depressing. It seems like every time I post something to enlighten I have become a leftist, or liberal ‘snowflake’. People get very angry with me.

Do I get angry with people online who support hate, or injustice? Actually, no. I feel sad. I feel sad because I know if these people stopped looking outside of themselves and took the journey inward they would see that what they support is a direct reflection of themselves.

Start taking the journey inward and start recognizing that you are a part of this world and that you matter. Listen to your inner voice and allow it to come out.
All of the pain, all of the sorrow, all of the angst… allow it to be released. When you release these from your life you will start seeing yourself in other peoples eyes. You will start to understand that we are all the same. We are truly one.

We all want to be loved. That is the bottom line.


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Princess of Swords

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Today’s card is the Princess of Swords.

This can be a rebellious card. It’s about creativity and drive. She has an idea in her head and she is going to do it. You can see in the picture that the chain is broken and the rope is untied. All of the thoughts in her mind are now able to manifest into reality.

Today I head into the studio. My normal way of writing songs is to come up with a thought and fire up ProTools, start to sing, and then play around with it a bit. Since I don’t have the luxury of having a studio at my fingertips over here I have been writing songs the old school way… pen to paper and singing the songs in my head. And you know what? It works! The cobwebs have been brushed away and the song in my head comes out exactly as expected.

Today I head back into the studio to bring these thoughts to fruition. I know that they will come out exactly like I want them. I am excited and ready.

They say that Nicola Tesla would come up with an invention in complete detail in his head before he would bring it into the physical. All of his hypothesis, his trails and errors were all worked out. Amazing the power of the mind. But it takes conviction. It takes clarity.
When I do Reiki on people what I am doing is lining up their Chakras, getting them moving as to allow the energy to flow through them. If the energy is blocked your thoughts aren’t clear and it will be very difficult to bring that thought to the physical.

Today, take a look at what you want to come to the physical. Do you have a clear idea in your head or is it scattered? I challenge you to start a meditation practice. Don’t say you don’t have the time. You have 5 minutes here and there throughout your day. Focus on your breath and allow clarity to come through you.

Create and manifest your thoughts into reality. Everything here in the physical was first a thought. Everything.


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The Hanged Man

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Today’s card is The Hanged Man.


This card signifies ‘be’ing instead of ‘do’ing. I do my best to live like this, but like every human being, we have our panic attacks and think that if we aren’t ‘do’ing something we aren’t progressing.

How many of you out there have ridden a bicycle?

One thing I learned from racing bicycles is that we want the cadence to be high, meaning, that we want our pedals to spin so that we are using more momentum than muscle. But our brains are thinking counter intuitively telling us that if we put it into a bigger gear and power through it, we will go faster. Once I trained my brain to ‘surrender to the cadence’ it effected my racing significantly. But it took practice.

Training ourselves to release and surrender instead of muscling through everything is not a popular theme. Unless, of course, you ask a master teacher like the Dalai Lama, Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, etc. Read some quotes from the Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, or Paul McCartney even… they will all tell you to ‘Let it Be’. 

I’ve talked to you before about the Be/Do/Have concept which for the sake of space I’ll ask you to do further research on your own. Basically what it means is, that if we are ‘be’ing a certain way, raising our vibration, we will start doing things that are in vibration to our ‘be’ing so that inevitably we will have whatever that vibratory state has to offer.

Most of us live in the Have/Do/Be state of mind. In this state we will always struggle and will never have what we are seeking.

Today, before you go ‘do’ something, ask yourself if you are ‘do’ing it because you think you ‘have’ to, or if you ‘want’ to. Start putting yourself into a state of surrender. You will start watching the Universe work with you instead of working against you, fighting to make something happen.

Stop swimming against the flow and start going with the flow.


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